Sentences with phrase «religious works»

Many of that day thought it highly improper for women to engage in religious work, but the outstanding service of nurses during the war helped to change things.
We have selected not only his remarkable portraits but also his lesser known religious works, which will be shown side by side.
For me, Spiritual But Not Religious works for me.
The memo makes clear that religious protections are not just guaranteed to a narrow slice of groups, like churches, nonprofits, and organizations with solely religious work.
Although Calvin never lost sight of these themes, he is perhaps best remembered for his detailed exposition of the leading themes of the Reformed faith in his Institutes of the Christian Religion» widely regarded as the most significant religious work of the sixteenth century» and his wrestling with issues concerning the identity of the church and its place in public life.
One question concerned the Institute for Religious Works (IOR), better known as the Vatican Bank.
Sconnie — your book with have as much credence as any other religious work.
In great periods of painting, such as the Renaissance in Europe, the wealthy who could afford to hire artists often subsidized major religious works as appropriate to the scale of their own palaces and as gifts to religious institutions.
The new nationalist regime forbids conversions and has placed such restrictions on Christian missions that they have been brought to a mere fraction of their former numerical strength, and those missionaries who remain have found it all but impossible to do specifically religious work.
At the National Conference on Religious Work in Beijing in April 2016, Xi declared that religion must adapt itself to China's existing social order and accept the party's leadership.
Religious works like preaching, baptism, circu.mcision and exorcism are condemned as vain throughout the Bible if you do not show works of charity.
That the new baccalaureate program at Cornell University would be thoroughly interfaith in character is not surprising, since the Cornell United Religious Work has functioned on an interreligious basis for many years.
When viewed as an act of grief, the album reveals itself as a fundamentally religious work, a cry to the «God of Elijah» asking «how did this happen?»
Our time at work — even religious work — will turn out to be a «holiday from God.»
Isaiah 63:6 and Isaiah 64:6 are about faked religious works, not about the total depravity of all mankind.
But the play was a deeply religious work, metaphorical, the imagery of man merged with horse essential to its message, so while Richard Burton and Peter Firth gave excellent, Oscar nominated performances in the film, the picture never quite captured the power of the stage play.
Ethiopian religious works were continually used and handled and therefore bear evidence of wear that testifies to the daily role these artworks played in the lives of the faithful.
This exhibition showcases not only Manzù's important religious works (such as his Cardinals series), but also his sensitive portraits of family members (until 3 April).
From classic works like Liberty Leading the People to the more mysterious, religious works later in his life, the exhibition promises an encompassing view of Delacroix's work.
This exhibition assembles some of the undisputed masterpieces by this giant of the Baroque period — not only the nudes for which he is best known but also religious works, landscape, and spectacular hunting scenes.
The museum, which began actively collecting Latino art in the 1980s, now displays artworks that range from colonial religious works and woven textiles to abstract expressionist paintings and contemporary installations.
He spent the next few years painting in Florence and Palestine, labouring over his Orientalist painting - notably religious works which contained highly detailed studies.
(3) Easel Art Unlike the large - scale, public, religious works of Baroque artists in Catholic countries, Baroque art in Protestant Holland (often referred to as the Dutch Golden Age) was exemplified by a new type of easel - art - a glossy form of genre - painting - aimed at the prosperous bourgeois householder.
Hence his appointment of a Council of Cardinals to advise him on curial reform; hence, the establishment of two Pontifical Commissions of Reference for both the Institute for Religious Works (CRIOR) and the Vatican's economic administration (COSEA); hence, the first decisions of reform, which mostly dealt with economic issues; hence, finally, the establishment of a committee to study how best to re-organise Vatican communications.
It not only features some of Moroni's most famous portraits but also looks at his other lesser - known religious works.
You ignorant person, don't you know the bible and other religious works are written by men from a long time ago who hated women except to procreate with them and have them serve them as their slaves?
Before that empire went into its final throes, they sang in the Soviet Union (and in Russian) religious works that had not been heard for seventy years.
Christ and the Apostles as well as the OT make it clear that there are religious works and works of charitable love.
When the album is a religious work — an act of believing in, proclaiming, doubting and wrestling with the living God — the critic is as flummoxed as a nonbeliever at a Christmas church service.
The value of any religious work should not be judged on the basis of its compliance with the law; its value should be determined by the degree to which it fulfills the ideal of the lawgiver.
Most of our religious work or scholarship is about breaking complexity into simplicity, systemizing theology, charting timelines, and answering questions.
On the Protestant side, Luther himself had a profound appreciation of the power of music especially to convey God's truth and presence, as is particularly exemplified in the religious works of his great follower, Bach.
This will also manage the assets of the Institute for Religious Works.
I long ago accepted atheism as my personal savior, yet half my extensive personal library is made up of Biblical scholarship and religious works.
unfortunately, the religious work tirelessly to codify their beliefs into civil law, infringing on the rights of their fellows and attempting to indoctrinate our children in public schools.
unfortunately, the religious work tirelessly to impose their beliefs upon their fellow citizens by codifying their beliefs into civil law and indoctrinating our children in public school.
In that sense it is a dramatic work, and not specifically a religious work at all.
Quite often, as I like to be armed against people who use biased interpretations of religious works to advance an agenda of hatred.
An icon (from Greek εἰκών eikōn image) is a religious work of art, most commonly a painting, from the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy
An icon (from Greek εἰκών eikōn image) is a religious work of art, most commonly a painting, from the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy Icons - Land offers Vector Icons: Transports, Points of Interest, Sports.
11:11 pm 12th An icon (from Greek εἰκών eikōn image) is a religious work of art, most commonly a painting, from the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy
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