Sentences with phrase «rely for sustenance»

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«It is important that new and improved rice varieties also possess superior grain quality that add value through meeting domestic and export market expectations to further improve the lives of farmers who rely on rice for their livelihood and sustenance,» he added.
But growing babies rely on their mom for sustenance, so you'll want to make good choices about what goes into your mouth — and into your womb.
Obviously, this wasn't necessarily an option during your breastfeeding months or years, when your baby relied heavily on you for sustenance.
When you appear with a bottle after your newborn cries for food, he learns to trust you more easily than if you rely on a set schedule and make him wait for sustenance.
The islanders have felt the pull of modernization, and now rely in large part on tourism for sustenance, meaning that they don't depend as heavily on the reefs.
Agronomists went on to breed «semi-dwarf» rice plants using the same principles, fundamentally altering a crop that half the world relied on for daily sustenance.
Cancer cells rely on the healthy cells that surround them for sustenance.
This is bad news, not only for fish but potentially for humans who rely on fish for sustenance.
Many tribal communities rely on first foods for sustenance, and these foods are equally important to the sustenance of tribal culture.
It will help accelerate the pace of developing improved rice varieties around the globe to feed a growing population, estimated to reach more than 9.6 billion by 2050, with half of humanity relying on rice for sustenance and livelihood.
Secondly, parents don't force their kids to eat green vegetables as much as they used to, with kids now relying on pizzas and ready meals for their sustenance.
Arlo joins forces with the vermin, eventually, dubbing him «Spot» (he's a little orphaned human boy) and relying on him to forage sustenance for him in the wild world outside.
While most of these canines rely on dog food for their sustenance, we as their owners need to be careful what we feed them.
Furry Friends strives to provide enough sustenance for a month for the number of animals in a household, relying on donated food for the commitment.
Today, dogs rely on their human masters for their sustenance.
While relying only on human food for canine sustenance is not a good idea, there are some human food options that can increase the appeal of a dog's ration and encourage the dog to eat the food with the preferred nutrient profile.
While cats may make seemingly good rodent catchers, most are not able to consistently catch prey for food and still rely primarily on humans for daily sustenance.
These native people relied on the sea for much of their sustenance and manufactured tools and trade items from shells and stones.
But it's also home to productive commercial fishing operations, as well as local populations who rely on fishing for a significant portion of their sustenance.
It's terribly harmful to the communities and aquatic life that rely on those rivers for sustenance.
About 7,000 Gwich «in people live near the refuge and rely on the caribou that roam there for sustenance.
They would simply be skimming business off the top at whatever commission percentage was in vogue at the time; they wold not be relying on that «mad money» income, so to speak, for their very sustenance in life, unless they were drug or gambling addicts etc..
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