Sentences with phrase «rely on bees»

«Two - thirds of the most valuable commodities on earth rely on bees and other pollinators to produce well,» Ricketts said.
«People rely on bees and pollinating insects for a large proportion of our food, yet humans have paid the bees back with habitat destruction, insecticides, climate change and air pollution.
Bees play an essential role in food security: Many crops, trees, and plants rely on bees for pollination.
A plague of parasitic mites is exterminating New York bee colonies, threatening $ 500 million in losses from the state's annual agricultural production that relies on bee pollination and honey production.

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Seventy - five percent of all crops grown for human consumption rely on pollinators, predominantly bees, for a successful harvest.
It's done so with its leatherwood honey, a distinctive, Tasmania - only food that relies on the island's cool temperate rainforests as forage for its bees and, in those forests, it relies on only one species.
There are seedlings to plant, bee boxes to put together before the bees arrive, recital costumes to finish hemming, meals to freeze, writing deadlines I'm behind on, housework that I've fallen way behind on too... and I sure could use some of that wonderful pre-baby nesting energy I've come to rely upon in pregnancies past to get some of these things done.
Don't rely on bug sprays — they don't repel bees and fire ants, which commonly sting children.
This mostly relies on pollen becoming stuck to the bodies of bees and other insects when they feed on flowers, and then being deposited on the next plant they visit.
Dr Crispin Jordan, of the University of Edinburgh's School of Biological Sciences, who led the study, said: «Plants and their flowers exist in all shapes and sizes, and our finding that the arrangement of flowers can influence how bees forage might go some way to explaining how plants, which rely on others species to spread pollen, can influence their own reproduction.»
Biologists have long believed that orchid bees and orchids rely on each other in equal measure.
Relying on a single bee species to pollinate nearly 100 different crops is untenable.
«Bees rely on learning to locate flowers, track their profitability and work out how best to efficiently extract nectar and pollen,» said environmental sciences professor Nigel Raine, the Rebanks Family Chair in Pollinator Conservation at U of G and senior author of the paper.
From tomatoes to pumpkins, most fruit and vegetable crops rely on pollination by bees and other insect species — and the future of many of those species is uncertain.
To uncover what plants honey bees rely on, researchers from The Ohio State University are using the latest DNA sequencing technology and a supercomputer.
With no ears, bees are generally thought to rely on vibrations — received through their legs — to communicate with one another.
Flowering plants often rely on animals - for example, bees or bats - for pollination.
These effects might be responsible for the decline observed in bee populations as they rely on sophisticated cognitive skills to collect food in the environment.
«Some crops can only be pollinated by bumblebees, for instance, because they rely on the specific way a bumblebee buzzes, or vibrates when it reaches a flower, is what shakes out the pollen, and other bees just can't do that,» Frank said.
Insects that rely on flowers, such as bees, were also relatively new.
According to the science, the energy boosting properties of bee pollen are inconclusive, and mostly rely on the use of bee pollen in folk medicines.
Many of the foods we eat rely to some degree on the honey bee for pollination.
The delicate yet productive bee relies on the nectar and pollen in honey for protein, energy and nutrients — not HFCS.
Heavily - laden with both symbolism and spiritualism, the picture relies on an array of evocative images such as queen bees and the Virgin Mary to deliver a series of subtle, yet very effective feminist messages.
This means that many types of wildflowers that used to grow over large areas are now gone, and since various bee species rely on different types of flowers, some bees are left stranded without their preferred source of food.
And while the art world's response to bee disappearances has often been a little surreal — as evidenced by the human bee pollinator suit — it could be argued that CCD has, for many, been a wake up call for how closely we rely on the natural world for our survival.
(The fact that without bees» pollination services we'll be hard pushed to grow many of the crops we rely on for survival may have something to do with it!)
Marr said he found support for his approach online — a beekeeper in Nebraska who recommends building a strong and diverse gene pool with wild bees instead of commercially bred mail - order shipments; minimizing pesticide exposure by locating the hives far away from cultivated farm fields; avoiding antibiotic and other chemical treatments to fight bee parasites and diseases, instead relying on beneficial fungi, bacteria and other components of a healthy hive system; and then raising queens and new bees from those bees that survive the first year.
Apart from a pollination industry relying on only a few managed pollinators, more than 4000 other species of bees are native to North America.
Hunter points out that relying just on honey bees to pollinate our food is crazy.
The researchers believe that the scale of wild bee decline will push farmers to rely even more heavily on commercial honey bee operators who travel across the US, hiring out colonies for pollination.
One - third of our food supply relies on pollinators like bees.
And if you have a bee in your bonnet about my focus on global warming on these threads, why should not the rest of us have a hive of bees in our respective bonnnets about your persistent indulgence in attempting to trivialise global warming, especially when doing such relies on dissemblance and misrepresentation of the scientific facts as best as they are understood?
Farmers growing crops from apples to zucchini have long relied on wild pollinators — including various bee species, birds and bats — to fertilize plants and increase yields.
Pollinators Rely on Flowers And as you might expect, where flowers appear, bees, butterflies and other pollinators soon follow.
High performing fixed - share partners are treated particularly egregiously because they are relied upon as the «worker bees» to generate fees for their firms on the promise of «jam tomorrow».
com High performing fixed - share partners are treated particularly egregiously because they are relied upon as the «worker bees» to generate fees for their firms on the promise of «jam tomorrow».
However, Tucker says he also sees a growing interest from older home owners, some of whom are having trouble finding wild bees for fruit trees and other plants that rely on pollination.
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