Sentences with phrase «rely on computer models»

Some rely on computer models and have no human input in trading decisions.
The Blue Brain Project Scientists rely on computer models to understand the toughest concepts in science: the origin of the universe, the behavior of atoms, and the future climate of the planet.
Modeling the worst To make that judgment, the NRC relies on computer modeling, the most recent of which is known as State - of - the - Art Reactor Consequence Analyses.
Alternatives are emerging, including ones that rely on computer modeling and isolated cells.
But while most research on impending environmental disaster relied on computer models, Biosphere 2 represented a fascinating alternative mode in which large - scale analog experiments employed real organisms, soil, seawater, and air.
Therefore, to study the bubble's birth, Falk's team relied on a computer model of a cube of a metallic glass made of copper and zirconium, measuring only about 30 atoms on each side.
Shaw was one of the first big quantitative investors who relied on computer models to trade financial assets and he was one of the most successful, right up there with James Simmons at Renaissance.
And if one does not rely on computer modelling, is one left only with sacrificing a goat and seeing what the entrails foretell?
In fact, most uncertainties in the alarmist pseudo-science are internal contradictions and consequences of its shoddy practices: cherry picking data, making conclusions based on statistically insignificant observations, declaring trends based on variations that are within error margins, relying on computer models that contradict principles of the information theory, forging forecasts for unreasonably long time periods, etc..
They are not alone as all parts of climate science lack data, use estimated data, rely on computer model output based on no data, and ignore natural causes of weather and climate change.
In terms of your request for something substantial, I responded to your original claim that «the theory relies on computer models» with a link to a RealClimate post that shows this claim is not correct — rather than computer models, the foundations of the scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change are built upon our understanding of how the atmosphere works and how we are changing it by emitting greenhouse gases.
Will you now show you are a critical thinker by re-tracting your claim that «the theory relies on computer models»?
Your original point was «And the theory relies on computer models.
The basic science, in terms of the feedbacks, is unproven because there is no repeatable empirical evidence, and because it relies on computer modelling of chaotic systems, which can not be done in a deterministic way.
I think that we arrive at those figures by relying on computer models that indeed compute theories and evidence but also a lot of questionable and uncertain assumptions that I have mentioned above.
Previous studies have relied on computer models.

Not exact matches

(Bushnell relied on Apple's computers to control the early models.)
It's modeled on a popular computer programming technique called rapid application development, or RAD, which relies on prototyping and iterative improvements to complete a project.
Harmon does not rely on complicated computer models such as the Club of Rome's World 3.
Despite these differences, 3D computer graphics rely on many of the same algorithms as 2D computer vector graphics in the wire frame model and 2D computer raster graphics in the final rendered display.
Policies of climate protection rely on useless computer models of the IPCC.
Although meteorologists now rely heavily on computer models (numerical weather prediction), it is still relatively common to use techniques and conceptual models that were developed before computers were powerful enough to make predictions accurately or efficiently.
They said the real strength of the Jacobson study — now in press at the Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres — is that it relies on a new computer model of climate, air pollution and weather that accounts for several different ways black carbon influences the environment.
Modern weather forecasting relies on complicated computer models of the atmosphere.
They relied on the same sort of high - tech computer models that aerospace engineers use to analyze stresses induced in aircraft parts during flight.
Limited by the era's computers and understanding of physics, Wilson's model relied on simplifications — such as the star being a perfect sphere — and incorrect assumptions about the behavior of very dense matter and how neutrinos move from the core's interior to the crucial outer parts where the heating of the shock wave occurs.
The use of computers in biomedical science has grown explosively over the last decade, with researchers relying on the machines to do everything from browse the technical literature to model the complex folding of proteins.
The other relies on sophisticated computer models to predict the future melting of Thwaites Glacier, the biggest of West Antarctica's frozen ice rivers.
These models also do not rely on students having access to high - speed Internet - connected computers at home; online learning occurs during the school day.
Further, in addition to relying solely on traditional approaches to educational research, the action research model of teacher inquiry / teacher leadership seems to be a sensible approach given the rapid changes in contemporary computer technologies.
So in the primary grades, the model relies on the intensive work of a parent «learning coach,» who provides most lessons away from the computer, using books and 90 pounds of other educational materials shipped to families by K12.
With increasing distance from the underlying asset these actors relied more and more on indirect information (including FICO scores on creditworthiness, appraisals and due diligence checks by third party organizations, and most importantly the computer models of rating agencies and risk management desks).
While investment advisers have relied for years on computer models to fine tune their clients» portfolios of mutual funds, for example, the advent of fully automated investing services emerged just in the last five years.
No longer do we need to rely on guesswork and computer modeling, because satellite images reveal a dramatic disappearance of glaciers, Antarctic ice shelves and polar ice sheets.
Professor William Happer of Princeton, one of the world's foremost physicists, says computer models of climate rely on the assumption of the CO2's direct warming effect that is about a factor two higher, owing to incorrect representation of the microphysical interactions of CO2 molecules with other infrared photons.
Relying on facts to create a model rather arbitrarily and then writing a computer program does not work.
Politicians and groups with links to industries that oppose restrictions on greenhouse gases said the report played down uncertainties and relied too much on murky computer models.
Scientists rely on computerised climate models to make their predictions about climate change.Modelling experiments begin with a computer simulation of the present - day climate.
For this purpose, we instructed them to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with statements such as «the scientists who did the study were biased,» «computer models like those relied on in the study are not a reliable basis for predicting the impact of CO2 on the climate,» and «more studies must be done before policymakers rely on the findings» of the study etc..
Please show where I have relied on «computer models with an almost 100 % fail rate» for measurements of back radiation.
The IPCC relies in particular on questionable computer models rather than field research.
The Swedish professor tells the BAZ that he became a skeptic of alarmist climate science early on because «the [UN] IPCC always depicted the facts on the subject falsely» and «grossly exaggerated the risks of sea level rise» and that the IPCC «excessively relied on shaky computer models instead of field research.»
We need to be careful focussing upon «trends» — it can lead to serious errors of context — and this underlies the entire «global warming» thesis which relies upon computer models with entirely false (i.e. non-natural) notions of an equilibrium starting point and calculations of trend — this conveniently ignores cycles, and it has to because a) there are several non-orbital cycles in motion (8 - 10 yr, 11, 22, 60, 70, 80, 400 and 1000 - 1500) depending on ocean basic, hemisphere and global view — all interacting via «teleconnection» of those ocean basins, some clearly timed by solar cycles, some peaking together; b) because the cycles are not exact, you can not tell in any one decade where you are in the longer cycles.
The path to improvement in the models relies heavily on better numerics and computers.
Oh, except when they start relying too much on computer models — hence disasters like the Millennium bridge.
However, governments should not rely on the man - made global warming computer models for developing those policies.
The data will also help validate the wind predictions derived from computer models, which have thus far relied on extremely limited real - world information.
The 1,018 - page report convincingly and systematically challenges IPCC claims that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are causing «dangerous» global warming and climate change; that IPCC computer models can be relied on for alarming climate forecasts and scenarios; and that we need to take immediate, drastic action to prevent «unprecedented» climate and weather events that are no more frequent or unusual than what humans have had to adapt to and deal with for thousands of years.
If we rely primarily upon computer modeling to resolve the most important questions as to how the natural processes work — as opposed to direct observation — then are we not caught on an infinite merry - go - round of circular reasoning which leads us only to that set of conclusions which the computer modelers themselves determine?
For example, as part of HFIP, a group of researchers set up shop in Boulder, Colo., far from tropical weather systems, where they took advantage of high speed computer resources to duplicate a computer model that the Hurricane Center relies on to make its forecasts.
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