Sentences with phrase «rely on small amounts»

The mayor told WNYC's Brian Lehrer on Friday that his 2017 re-election campaign will rely on small amounts of money from a large group of donors, rather than wealthy individuals who can donate the maximum amount.
So kinda tweaking it and — and adjusting it to your needs works best and if you're doing a bunch of exercise, you're gonna probably have to tweak up that carbs a bit, because if you're just relying on small amount of carbs, your body may have to do more gluconeogenesis which is cortisol - dependent, which means you're gonna be stimulating your adrenals to get more sugar from that protein and that's adrenal stimulation.
For the time being I am going to rely on the small amount that my body can make from the ALA in flax and chia seeds along with the nuts I consume.

Not exact matches

Earning even a small amount of income in your retirement years means you don't have to rely 100 percent on your savings to fund your lifestyle, and that in turn means you may be able to retire with a little less in the bank.
I love using just a small amount of all - purpose flour when needed and still rely on an all - purpose mix for many recipes.
There's a small amount of maple syrup in the dough but it relies mostly on bananas for sweetness.
The main difference between conventional and organic cotton production is that conventional cotton is produced with small amounts of mineral fertilizers and chemical pesticides while organic farmers rely on crop rotations and natural pest control.
Guidelines suggest that a woman relying on LAM practice full or nearly full breastfeeding, which means she is breastfeeding when the baby wants, both day and night, and other foods or liquids do not replace a feeding at the breast and are given only in small amounts.
Mayor Bill de Blasio signaled Friday he's going to significantly shift his fundraising strategy as he readies his 2017 re-election campaign, focusing on raising small amounts of money from a wide group of donors rather than relying heavily on wealthy donors who can pay the maximum amount to his campaign.
While his previous method relied almost entirely on small molecules, it still included a minute amount of genetic manipulation; that is, he often required the use of a single gene to enhance his chemical cocktails.
The second process relies on the fact that stars also contain smaller amounts of carbon produced in previous generations of stars that exploded as supernovas.
Net protein utilization tells us, among other things, that when we include animal protein in our diet, we can satisfy our daily protein requirements with smaller amounts of food than if we rely on vegetable products alone.
My favorite recommendation regarding omega 6 and 3 intake is to rely on animal products like bacon and beef to deliver to the body the small amounts of omega 6 it needs, consume about 1 pound of fatty fish a week, and leave the nuts for squirrels.
According to Sally Fallon Morell in her classic book Nourishing Traditions, traditional cultures typically included a small amount of lacto - fermented foods or beverages with their meals and relied on the helpful enzymes and probiotics to aid digestion.
That path is a limited replication of No Excuses schools that rely on a very unusual labor pool (young, often work 60 + hours per week, often from top universities); the creation of many more charters that, on average, aren't different in performance from district schools; districts adopting «lite» versions of No Excuses models while pruning small numbers of very low performing teachers; and some amount of shift to online learning.
Many current of students rely on their parents for financial aid information and only a small amount of students actually know their repayment terms.
However, consumers seem to rely on physical money for the smallest purchases, with the median amount of a cash transaction valued at $ 8.04.
In case you need just a small amount of cash, you still can think about relying on such borrowing option.
Ultimately, we may rely on passive solar architecture, solar water heating, some modest amounts of wind and / or water power and very small amounts from solar PV.
I'll just direct readers to the TreeHugger archives on why we think there's no such thing as clean coal, and why carbon capture and storage can't be relied upon to allow us to keep using even a small percentage of the amount of fossil fuels we continue to burn:
According to the study's lead scientists, the new technique relies on measuring extremely small amounts of the nuclide that accumulates as cosmic rays strike exposed rock surfaces over long periods of time.
I'm treading on dangerous ice, because all of this dates back over twenty years, and I'm relying on memory, but I seem to recall that around 1982 or 1983 the editors of the McGill Law Journal came to the CLIC Legal Literature Committee (which I then chaired) and sought a very small amount of seed money to get the McGill Guide launched.
Your family should just be able to rely on the fact that you have this taken care of, and will only be responsible for a small amount of the final Austin renters insurance costs.
For example, if you play old PC games that came on discs, you can often re-purchase them on GOG or Steam for a small amount of money — especially during sales — and install those instead of relying on your old physical discs.
Mobile wallets download a very small amount of Blockchain and rely on the Bitcoin network to sync the information.
The smaller boutiques, though many in number, all rely on a limited amount of designs from common manufacturers like Clevo.
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