Sentences with phrase «rely on testosterone»

This program does not rely on testosterone production (which is a more masculinizing hormone) to build muscle and burn fat.

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Instead, USADA has chosen to rely primarily on a testosterone - to - epitestosterone ratio test to determine if exogenous testosterone is in an athlete's system.
«More information is needed on the effects of testosterone on the cervix and effective cervical screening strategies that do not rely on a Pap test.
When forced to control their emotions, teens with less testosterone tend to rely on their limbic systems, Tyborowska's group now finds.
And it doesn't rely on steroids in boosting your testosterone levels.
When it comes to weight training, one of the main differences between the male and female body is that the first relies more on testosterone while the latter relies more on growth hormone to increase muscle and bone strength.
Those who want to see results immediately by using steroids, are in for a lot of pain and discomfort in the future, since they will have to rely on expensive testosterone replacement therapies, injections, testosterone creams and lots of other products to keep their endocrine system functioning properly, as well as take Viagra to have a functioning libido.
You don't need to always rely on pills and pharmaceuticals to boost your testosterone levels.
The women with massively muscular physiques at bodybuilding competitions didn't get there by heavy lifting alone, as women in general don't produce nowhere near as much testosterone as men do — they rely on hormone injections to get big and bulky.
«Women lack the testosterone necessary for massive muscle growth — female body builders rely on supplements to achieve their bulk.»
If you have a slow - growing form of prostate cancer, eliminating your testosterone through chemical means is probably not the best way to go, though you should always rely on your medical provider as the final say.
They will have to rely on exogenous testosterone (testosterone administered from outside the body) to return to normal testosterone levels.
The diagnosis of low testosterone relies on a combination approach that looks at blood levels of total and free testosterone, the individual's current and previous health issues and medical treatments, overall physical condition, and symptoms.
Where weight training relies more on muscle microtrauma to boost testosterone, HIIT relies more on lactate accumulation.
Alpha Pro Testobuild is a natural supplement that relies on incredible natural ingredients to help you build muscle, increase testosterone efficiency, and get the motivation and focus back that you used to have.
It's not enough to rely on eating the right food if you want to boost your testosterone.
If you rely on food you don't know how much testosterone - boosting goodness you are taking in.
The body no longer relies on the testicles to produce testosterone when steroids are present.
In popular exercise jargon, this is sometimes called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), and has been shown to increase testosterone and HGH (human growth hormone), which women's bodies rely on for increases in lean muscle and bone density
The interesting thing that I also tweeted this week, since we're geeking out on fish is that even though fish oil is gonna give you a bunch of benefits like this, I'm not the biggest fan of relying on fish oil per se for a lot of these omega 3s and DHA and testosterone precursor because it can have issues.
Don't rely on a single set of testosterone test results — it's often the case that medical providers give patients the wrong test, at the wrong time, and with the wrong interpretation (especially those who don't specialize in or aren't familiar with testosterone replacement therapy).
Saw Palmetto for the Raise in Testosterone Levels — Are you one of the people who rely mostly on the advancement of science and technology?
While the end result didn't exactly nail its feminist colours to the mast, the film stands out today for its sheer novelty value, and as a fantasy flick that doesn't rely on pectorals and testosterone to drive the action forward.
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