Sentences with phrase «rely on their bond»

This may not be palatable to fixed income investors, especially those who rely on their bond portfolio as a source of relative safety and stability.
The police department is very old and outdated, but to build these things you rely on bonds and those lead to debt service which become a fixed part of your budget,» Mr. Russell said.
Though the score does have a mind of its own, not heavily relying on the Bond motifs laid in previous films, Skyfall does refer back to the classic guitar theme in crucial nostalgic moments (such as when the Goldfinger car is reintroduced).
Schools districts that rely on bond insurance to help them save money on the borrowing they do for construction projects and special programs could be affected by major ups and downs in that industry, at a time when many districts are already nervous about state budget cuts and a sagging national economy.
The debt portion provides the safety to the portfolio where it relies on bonds to bring in more certainty.
Those relying on bonds for downside protection, or protection for their often irreplaceable capital, might be in for a rude shock.
While investors traditionally rely on bonds to diversify equity risk, that can be very challenging during regime changes.
But that era is gradually going to come to an end, and relying on bonds for return will no longer be a useful investment strategy.
«Investors who rely on bond products to keep them safe and provide a reasonable rate of return could be very disappointed for many years,» explains Miles Clyne, a portfolio manager with the Tycuda Group at MacDougall Investment Counsel Inc. in Langley, B.C. Current low interest rates and the impact of rising rates in the future, are «foretelling a not - so - pretty picture.»

Not exact matches

Even today, most investors rely on a domestic mutual or exchange - traded bond fund or two, preferring to avoid any currency risk.
The low interest rates that the Federal Reserve relied on to kick - start the economy, meanwhile, fed this same dynamic, making it easier for fast - growing companies to borrow money to grow further — and making bond interest look unattractive compared with stock dividends.
She relies on a database of 1,000 simulations of future returns to conclude that, 75 years from now, a Social Security trust fund portfolio that includes stocks will produce a healthy ratio of assets to benefits, while a trust fund consisting of only bonds will be completely exhausted.
Investors used to have to rely on dealers to set the price of a bond.
In recent months, the city has relied on state - backed bond money to meet payroll for its 10,000 employees.
One reason for looking at junk bonds is that the firms that issue junk bonds are closer on the risk continuum to a large mass of firms that are too small and too weak to issue bonds at all, and that rely on banks or the informal capital market for funds.
Although commercial banks mostly rely on capital from deposits from customers, such banks may issue notes and bonds as long - term capital resources.
Given those durations, an investor with 15 - 20 years to invest could literally plow their entire portfolio into stocks and long - term bonds, in expectation of very high long - term returns, with the additional comfort that their financial security did not rely on the direction of the markets, thanks to the ability to reinvest generous coupon payments and dividends.
(Eco-groups will supplement with what tools of persuasion they have as well; just don't rely on them for wisdom on bond yields.)
And if you're retired and relying on government bond funds, the decline since July has wiped out several years worth of income.
For that reason, bond markets, particularly those for corporate issues, tend to rely on market - makers, typically banks or securities firms.
While one can utilize various recommended asset balances from a brokerage like 50/40/10 (stocks, bonds, cash) or rely on rules of thumb like «subtract your age from 100 to ascertain a percent of assets that should be in stocks,» investment allocation should be a more introspective undertaking.
Ray Zinn: Well first off, trust is that bond that you have with an individual where you absolutely rely on what they do and what they say.
The U.S. financial system relied to a far greater extent on issuing bonds.
Studies have shown that soldiers form strong bonds during missions in part because they believe in the purpose of the mission, rely on each other, and share the good and the bad as a team.
I've used John Hussman's method of estimating expected returns for stocks (using a simplified version the model that relies on just the CAPE ratio) and the beginning bond yield for the expected return for the bond portion of the portfolio.
We'll rely on equities and property to keep us ahead of inflation over the long - term and look into more short - term conventional bond funds as our model portfolio's time horizon ticks down.2
The electric company, PREPA, relied on selling bonds to pay for the imported oil it burned at its power plants.
Foreigners own a lot more of our assets than we own of their assets and we rely heavily, particularly in the U.S treasury market on foreign buying of our bonds.
If your portfolio is well diversified with assets that tend to perform differently from each other — international stocks, small company stocks, large company stocks, bonds and real estate — then when one asset class is losing value, you can rely on holdings in another asset class that are more stable or perhaps increasing in value.
Before ETFs, many investors relied on active mutual funds or individual securities for access to the bond market.
This is a win - win - win scenario: Great bonding for you and baby, you get to build your confidence, mom gets some time to herself and will see she can rely on you once you come home and she sees her baby is still alive.
Now, women have Vasopressin receptors too, short and long ones too, but ultimately, they do not rely solely on vasopressin for long - term bonding.
It is a tight bond and nearly every twin set displays some interdependence, relying on each other for comfort.
For one their baby solely relies on the milk their body is making to survive, if that isn't a bond, then what is?
With property tax caps and restrictions on bonding authority, park districts must rely all the more on popular programs that residents crave to generate needed revenues, officials say.
Every year, New York City officials rely on a stream of federally tax - exempt bonds to fund their affordable housing projects.
Moody's said it was moving authority bonds from A1 to A2 — its sixth highest rating — because «future financial performance will rely to a much greater extent on as yet undetermined toll increases to support the bridge construction costs and that failure to adopt sufficient rate increases within the expected time horizon would pressure financial metrics.»
The new plan also offers a major bow to bondholders and Wall Street credit rating agencies, who might be worried that state bonds — with payments guaranteed by the state's income tax revenues — could face future payment issues if Albany is to rely less on income tax collections.
Particularly because Cuomo isn't relying completely on bonding to get what he needs.
An effort in 2016 to make smart changes to the bail bond system and gradually increase the age at which youths are considered adults did not meet with success, but Mr. Coleman's continued support of those reforms will be relied on when the legislature reconvenes.
Relying on a technique called infrared spectroscopy to explore the bonds between atoms, the researchers noticed it attaching to positive hydrogen atoms.
They may also help nanotechnologists design more advanced self - assembling materials, many of which rely heavily on hydrogen bonds to put themselves together correctly.
A lot of the properties of water rely on creating and breaking these hydrogen bonds and a certain rate, time and energy.
The thyroid and adrenals have a close bond and rely on each other for proper functioning.
What follows should be regarded as a very rough calculation that relies on several unproven assumptions, including the following: a) that the researchers» hypothesis that the glutamyl - cysteine bonds are in fact responsible for the glutathione - boosting power of whey protein is true, b) that the total body increase in glutathione was similar to the increase seen in the tissues the researchers measured, and c) that raw, undenatured whey protein produces a similar response in people as it produces in mice.
While these scores are not as enjoyable as his previous work, I think it was an important step for Arnold to take - he couldn't rely on Roland Emmerich and James Bond to keep his career going forever - but I must admit that I wouldn't mind a sniff of the old Arnold again now.
But Juni and Carmen's James Bond - style electronic toys don't work on the island, so they're forced to rely on their brains and basic footwork to save the day.
«I don't know what it is to be in the military, but to recreate these scenes and to see what it's like for these men to rely on each other, love each other, protect each other, fight together, fight for each other... you do realize that there is something that is so bonding, and so beautiful, with a common cause.
Teachers rely heavily on the bond that evolves between them and their students as they move together from the first grade until the students graduate from eighth grade.
Without assistance from bonds and local taxes, charter schools must rely on enrollment, foundations, and donations to subsidize their budgets.
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