Sentences with phrase «remain shackled»

South Korean carbon allowances edged up 0.9 % on Tuesday but prices remain shackled near 22,000 won ($ 20.43) as sellers hesitate to go lower while buyers wait for greater supply to emerge closer to the annual compliance deadline in June.
As long as we continue to allow our economy to remain shackled to the OPEC rollercoaster of rising and falling oil prices, our jobs and our way of life will remain at risk.
Enthusiastic ventures continue to bubble up from a Third World eager to educate itself, impractically by trying to sneak into more advanced nations, more practically by accessing the power of technology reaching out to where its billions of children are; while Americans remain shackled to the failed approach of the past, illegitimate administration that brought us No Child Left Behind, which continues to leave behind our nation.
Bernard Jenkin warned that new trade deals with non-European countries would be impossible «if we remain shackled to the EU».
All remaining shackles are removed in «The Burn», an intense action cue with some cracking material for the brass.
In Truslove v Scottish Ambulance Service [UK EATS / 0053/13 / JW][2014] All ER (D) 112 (Aug) the EAT comments that the employee «remains shackled by his employer to a particular location and is subject whilst there to providing an immediate response to his employer's bidding».

Not exact matches

The shackles, therefore, which shall not be knocked off at the conclusion of this war, will remain on us long, will be made heavier and heavier, till our rights shall revive or expire in a convulsion.
Who can deny the fact that, until his ousting from office recently, Comrade Robert Mugabe remained the last bastion of the Liberation Struggle to free the African Continent from the shackles of Imperialism?
She was transported to a prison the other side of the province in shackles, where she remained until the end of last week.
But most of my machines remain safely in my office, and they don't need to be shackled.
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