Sentences with phrase «remain uncured»

The psoriasis patients I have routinely found to be the most committed are the psoriatics with the chronic skin lesions and extensive plaques, the people who have tried every trick in the book, been to the dermatologists, the doctors and naturopaths, have tried all the creams and extensive therapies yet who remain uncured.
The psoriasis patients I have routinely found to be the most committed are the psoriasis patients with the chronic skin lesions and extensive plaques, the people who have tried every trick in the book, been to the dermatologists, the doctors and naturopaths, have tried all the creams and extensive therapies yet who remain uncured.
Multiple Sclerosis a terrible disease, attacking the spine and brain function, that remains uncured.
She also has UTI and been through quite a few doses of medication and remains uncured.
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