Sentences with phrase «remained habitable»

Figure 1: ROCKE - 3D simulation of a possible scenario for how an ancient Venus that began with a shallow ocean may have remained habitable for several billion years.
Three - dimensional (3D) planetary general circulation models (GCMs) derived from the models that we use to project 21st Century changes in Earth's climate can now be used to address outstanding questions about how Earth became and remained habitable despite wide swings in solar radiation, atmospheric chemistry, and other climate forcings; whether these different eras of habitability manifest themselves in signals that might be detected from a great distance; whether and how planets such as Mars and Venus were habitable in the past; how common habitable exoplanets might be; and how we might best answer this question with future observations.
In providing answers, Kasting explains why Earth has remained habitable despite a substantial rise in solar luminosity over time, and why our neighbors, Venus and Mars, haven't.
A new study recently accepted in Geophysical Research Letters suggests that not only was Venus habitable in the distant past, it could have remained habitable for billions of years.
But as I reflected on your comments and on my own insecurities and fears, I realized that what you're really asking for (and what I really need) is not an end to the theological construction zone, but rather the assurance that the structure remains habitable, that life can go on in the midst of all the drilling and sawing and hammering.
«We now know,» Drake says, «that you could move Venus a lot farther from the sun and it would remain habitable» due to greenhouse warming.
A scientific study finds that an Earth - sized water world revolving around two suns could remain habitable at a certain distance — and it won't become a desert like Tatooine!
Chopra and Lineweaver (2016 Astrobiology) claimed that «rocky planets need to be inhabited to remain habitable».
Year by year, the remaining habitable land shrinks further.
Battlefield's gone further into the future before, such as its popular online multiplayer shooter Battlefield 2142, which took place in a future where the Earth has been ravaged by a new ice age and two factions, the European Union and the Pan-Asian Coalition, battle for the remaining habitable land.
In it, they listed a series of data points that will determine whether the planet remains habitable.
ROCKE - 3D simulations show that this transition is caused by a circulation driven by stellar heating rather than by convection and is gradual rather than sudden, implying that planets can remain habitable much closer to their stars than previously thought.
You have a responsibility toward your tenants to ensure the property remains habitable and all damages that may affect this status (such as damage to electrical wiring, plumbing, or septic system) are repaired in a timely manner.
Everyone does their fair share, everything gets done, and your home remains habitable.

Not exact matches

«The habitable zone of Enceladus remains the most well studied, well understood and accessible of all the destinations for finding life or studying precursor chemistry,» she says.
That means that the remaining 61 % is available to form future solar systems that may include Earth - like planets in their habitable zones, the researchers report online today in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
It's very close and will remain in the habitable zone until the end of the Sun's lifetime — six billion years from now.»
In a study in Nature Ecology & Evolution, scientists used satellites to evaluate how much habitable land area remained for the animals as well as how fragmented the territory was.
The team's simulations show, perhaps not surprisingly, that potentially habitable planets are more likely to remain so if they form in areas far from dense conglomerations of stars, where more supernova explosions occur.
The catalogue of planets orbiting other stars grew to more than 400 entries in October, but the goal that drives much of the research into extrasolar planets, or exoplanets, is the discovery of a habitable world, and that goal remains unmet.
The model projects that for the next 2 decades, populations will remain stable, and may even increase slightly as the penguins move to locations that are more habitable.
Thus, Kepler - 452b has likely always been in the habitable zone and should remain there for another 3 Gyr.
The first planet found in a star's habitable zone — where liquid water could remain on the surface - is Gliese 581d.
radio signal in 1977 (the signal's source remains disputed); the 1996 announcement of fossilized microbes in a Martian meteorite; the strange behavior of Tabby's Star reported in 2015; and 2017's discoveries of exoplanets that exist within distant habitable zones.
But these are small, dim stars compared to our Sun, and hugging the star is essential to remain in the habitable zone.
The Planetary Habitability Laboratory lists up to 27 potentially habitable planets on which life remains unconfirmed.
All projections I've seen (e.g., UW CIG) indicate this region will remain pleasantly habitable for people for longer than other areas (think Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona) under the pressure of increasing numbers and extremes of weather «anomalies.»
I am someone with a deep - seated desire to help the planet remain as habitable as possible in the face of the trials humanity is putting it through.
The remaining fraction — trapped in part by greenhouse gases — sustains the habitable environment to which we are accustomed.
Antarctica is likely to be the world's only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked, the Government's chief scientist, Professor Sir David King, said last week.
And, there remains a dearth of habitable homes for residents who want to return after fleeing Katrina and for transient workers needed to help rebuild the city.
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