Sentences with phrase «remains essential part»

Networking remains an essential part of the job hunt, but it's an active process, not a passive one.
For this reason it remains an essential part of our culture.
Regular evaluation — at least once per year — of important factors such as income and expenses, market performance, taxes, and family developments remains an essential part of financial planning after retirement.
Gathering the loot from monsters to developer weapons or armor remains essential part of the game.
Lipstick is one of the most classic cosmetics and remains an essential part of many women's makeup routine.
For the novice stargazer, however, a map remains an essential part of an observing kit.
Because buying the players is surely not enough, tactics remains an essential part and I can't rely on Wenger in that regard.
For me, Giroud remains an essential part of our team whether you believe it or not... And I don't care what any idiot has to say, we WON period!!!!
Of course it is true that this system is being slowly broken down under the various modern pressures, but it remains an essential part of official Hinduism, and a lasting memorial to man's religious inhumanity to man.
They proved that there is no one way to build a championship team, but stars remain the essential part of any formula.
«As the book industry takes its next step into the digital age, metadata will not only remain an essential part of the industry, but become increasingly important,» the report concluded.
These major works remain an essential part of the New Image movement of the 1980s that heralded a return to subject and imagery in contemporary painting - a movement in which Jennifer Bartlett was a central figure.
He acted as co-founder of the Chicago Mural Group, now the Chicago Public Art Group, and his murals remain an essential part of the fabric of the city.
One side of the debate contends that EMS remain an essential part of the therapeutic collaboration for schema healing.
Mendenhall delivered an emotional speech that both honored and recalled the passion of her father, 2001 NAR President Richard Mendenhall, and she implored REALTORS ® to take ownership of ensuring that they remain an essential part of the consumer experience in real estate.

Not exact matches

Sensible fiscal policy and structural reforms to eliminate the remaining vulnerabilities that permitted the 2008 crisis are essential parts of the cure, the governor noted.
It remains to ask why, if the empty tomb is not an original or essential part of the Easter message, it came to take so prominent a place in the story.
Summary: Endosperm, the remaining edible part of rice grains after it is milled, lacks several essential nutrients such as provitamin A. Thus, predominant rice consumption promotes vitamin A deficiency — a serious public health problem in at least 26 countries including highly populated areas in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
That the UK remains part of an interdependent European and global economy, able to influence and shape the international system, will be essential for future prosperity and growth.
«Driving is an essential part of our lives here on Staten Island, and for too long, our roads have remained underfunded,» she added.
In accepting the endorsement, de Blasio said in a statement that the diverse borough of Queens is an essential part of New York remaining «a place that welcomes everybody, no matter who they are or where they come from.»
In a speech to the Midlands TUC on Saturday, Mr Ashworth will say that remaining part of the EU is essential to protect the rights of working people in Great Britain, who the Labour party was set up to represent.
According to the authors, operationalizing these ideals amidst the initial chaos and longer - term bureaucratic challenges that are an integral part of any disaster remains a daunting but essential mandate.
These nucleosomes remain a part of the chromatin throughout the cell cycle and are essential to both meiotic and mitotic cell divisions [12].
For such an essential part of our diet there remains a lot of confusion about what dietary fibre is and how to get enough of it on a daily basis.
Because they are what are called nutrient - dense foods, as in high in vitamins and minerals and all the lovely things that your body needs in order to remain healthy and happy, but low in calories, they are an essential part of any weight optimisation regimen.
The picture is not overly scrubbed; the fine grain that is an essential part of the genre remains intact.
Though the snow that was central to her original vision may have been stripped away, the mother - daughter aspect that was essential to her story remains the most emotionally charged part of this very amusing film and will have many mothers struggling to hold back the tears due to some of the home truths it deals with.
It remains important to recognise and plan for the value of informal social time during residentials and plan for rigorous evaluation as an essential part of the residential programme using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
Pointing out that «authors remain the only essential part of the creation of a book and it is in everyone's interests to ensure they can make a living», it tells publishers that «unfair contract terms, including reduced royalty rates, are a major part of the problem».
The latter has gained a new lease on life as an essential part of the PlayStation VR ecosystem, but outside of this remains almost entirely unused.
Hodgson will take part in «Session Four: The GAR Live Debate,» in which she and fellow panelists will discuss whether or not investor - State arbitration will remain an essential component to the success of future investment treaties.
As the unemployment remains at nearly 10 %, and the greater underemployed rate (those working part - time who require full - time jobs) at nearly 23 %, it is essential to take the necessary steps to separate yourself from your competition.
The 2015 annual report, «Thriving Through Change,» demonstrates that the 100 - year - old REALTOR ® brand remains an essential, dynamic part of the rapidly evolving real estate industry.
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