Sentences with phrase «remarkable case»

Update your partners about product milestones, such as awards, high usage rates, or remarkable case studies.
Our attorneys have obtained remarkable case results and have received national acclaim for these courtroom successes.
«In prior research, we identified several remarkable cases of cardiovascular complications as the reasons for hospital admission of young marijuana users,» said Émilie Jouanjus, Pharm.D., Ph.D., lead author of the study and a medical faculty member at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Toulouse in Toulouse, France.
One remarkable case in point was Alex, an African gray that gained fame for displaying reasoning skills and using a 100 - word vocabulary.
In one especially remarkable case highlighted in the film, a man named Tony Cicoria was not a particularly musical person until he was struck by lightning at the age of 42.
«In their manner of fertilisation these plants offer a more remarkable case than can be found in any other plant or animal,» he wrote.
There was a rather remarkable case that ultimately changed what is allowed to be patented in the US.
One remarkable case of self - sacrifice taken to the limits occurs in crab spiders (Diaea ergandros).
This is surely a remarkable case of homiletical hanky - panky.
Accompanying her choices is a photo gallery of athletes who, having endured boycotts and the ravages of time, quest for gold in a third, fourth or, in one remarkable case, fifth Summer Olympics.
It's been a remarkable case in that even the most established, educated and erudite football writers don't seem to have a clue what will happen.
There has been at least one remarkable case: Chilean presidential election, 2013.
Torres is a remarkable case of all the players lining up behind an unqualified yet handsome Council staffer who appears to know how to listen.
In one remarkable case, the patient survived 20 years after brain death before succumbing to cardiac arrest.
«This is a remarkable case of extreme degeneration of an animal body plan,» said Paulyn Cartwright, associate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at KU and principal investigator on the research project.
In a remarkable case of convergent evolution, this sensory system has evolved separately in two groups of freshwater fish — the electric eels and knife fish of South America and the elephant snout fish and one closely related species in Africa.
In a remarkable case of life imitating art Anne's books are on target to do the same thing in real life!
We have a remarkable case worker named Shawna.
The Wildlife Conservation Society has produced a short video about the remarkable case in which accused Thai tiger poachers were tracked down using cell - phone photos taken by one of the the gang, and connected to a particular slain tiger by camera - trap photos taken by conservation biologists.
There is a childlike sense of fun which deserves an outing in this very strange and remarkable case.
«This is a remarkable case of extreme degeneration of an animal body plan,» said Paulyn Cartwright, a researcher on the project and an evolutionary biologist at the University of Kansas.
In a jurisdiction that has prided itself on the importance of «doctrine» in interpreting the law, the fact that the major French language university opts for content with the lowest common denominator, while a foreign owned commercial publisher offers an authoritative work by leading academics and legal practitioners, is a remarkable case of role reversal, as well as a reflection on how times have changed.
It was a remarkable case.
Bellin's piece, headlined «Waiting for Justice: One man's seven - year wait for a trial reveals the ways mandatory minimums distort our courts,» spotlights how mandatory minimum sentencing statutes lurked below this (not - so) remarkable case.
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