Sentences with phrase «remarkable study»

It's a remarkable business case study, and an equally remarkable study in social impact.
About then I became acquainted with remarkable studies of geologist Paul Hearty.
In one remarkable study from the UK, researchers obtained access to client files in specialist and non-specialist firms.
«This is an absolutely remarkable study,» says Robert Wilson, a neuropsychologist at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, who helped establish the link between loneliness and dementia.
One remarkable study found that the heart rate of female bighorn sheep increased notably near a road, regardless of traffic.
A recent search, in PubMed, reveals well over 50,000 studies on vitamin C and literally dozens of remarkable studies revealing the power of vitamin C to cure diseases, such as, 60 out of 60 cases of polio; 327 out of 327 cases of shingles — in 3 days; 7 out of 7 cases of rheumatic fever and, of course, countless studies illustrating the ability of vitamin C to help cancer patients with «incurable» conditions.
Despite the outright heretical nature of things which stimulate healing and regeneration vis - à - vis the conventional medical system which frowns upon, or is incredulous towards, spontaneous remission in favor of symptom suppression and disease management, over the course of the past few years of trolling MEDLINE we have collected a series of remarkable studies on the topic...
Included in this simply remarkable study are the methane emissions of clams.
Although she is not specifically addressing environmental thought, this is an argument pressed by Caroline Walker Bynum in her recent and remarkable study, The Resurrection of the Body in Western Christianity.
As a transition to the study of sight in the Bible, I would like to refer here to the remarkable study by Paul Ricoeur that expresses this contradiction in philosophical terms: proclamation as opposed to manifestation.
In this remarkable study, Bynum explores literary images, artistic depictions, doctrines and social contexts in which Christians affirmed bodily resurrection.
«This is a remarkable study,» says Sonia Kleindorfer at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, because it shows how the sounds a bird hears in its egg can shape its development, even into adulthood.
«I think it's a remarkable study,» says cardiologist William Fay of the University of Missouri in Columbia, who was part of the research team that originally identified the girl's genetic defect but isn't connected to the new work.
«The value of our approach is confirmed by this remarkable study, which for the first time reveals a genetic network governing limb regeneration that is common across three evolutionarily distinct animal species.»
«This is a really cool and remarkable study,» says Harsh Bais, a root biologist at the University of Delaware, Newark, who was not involved in the work.
«This remarkable study shows how much we have to learn about Pacific Islands mammals, «said Prof. Tim Flannery of Macquarie University in Sydney, who was not involved in the research.
«It's a remarkable study, with real potential to change how we think about recovery from amblyopia,» says neuroscientist Frank Sengpiel of Cardiff University in the United Kingdom who was not involved in the work.
He points to remarkable studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of a little - known plant to treat angina.
Read about this remarkable study and discover how it confirms what Dr. Lee and Dr. Zava said more than a decade ago.
In a remarkable study, Malisoux et al. (2006) assessed the effects of long - term plyometric training.
Plus, a remarkable study published in BMC Gastroenterology showed that constipated subjects given Cape aloe leaf extract retained a much higher level of water in their stools, leading to more frequent, softer and more complete bowel movements.
Click here to read about this remarkable study and discover how it confirms what Dr. Lee and Dr. Zava said more than a decade ago.
This remarkable study demonstrated an improvement in sprinting ability in a group of elite male soccer players, after training using (open chain) lying leg curls with eccentric overload.
It's a remarkable study shot in black and white, about two Orthodox Jews who return to a remote city in Hungary, where the local residents have stolen everything from the Jews.
Where other biopics seem to have made up their minds about their famous figures before the opening credits roll, this remarkable study of social psychologist Stanley Milgram remains curious, exploring and questioning his life, career and findings.
A remarkable study of poverty, family and personal responsibility, The Florida Project meticulously illustrates how life on the margins affects one impressionable six - year - old.
Commentary on «Great Teaching: Measuring its effects on students» future earnings» By Raj Chetty, John N. Friedman and Jonah E. Rockoff Raj Chetty, John Friedman, and Jonah Rockoff have carried out a remarkable study, but I suspect it will be misinterpreted.
Raj Chetty, John Friedman, and Jonah Rockoff have carried out a remarkable study, but I suspect it will be misinterpreted.
Now we know what happens, at least in education, thanks to a remarkable study of charter schools in New York City.
Caroline Hoxby's «remarkable study» of New York City's charters, as John Merrow describes it (see here) would surely suggest that they do: «The lottery winners [those who attended the charters] went to 48 public charter schools, and those who finished 8th grade performed nearly as well as students in affluent suburban districts, closing what the researchers call the «Harlem - Scarsdale achievement gap» by 86 percent in math and about two - thirds in English.»
This remarkable study suggests that teacher value - added has long - term consequences for children.
Over seven years, Dickey traveled to 15 states and interviewed 350 people as research for the book, which the Christian Science Monitor dubbed «a remarkable study of our capacities for cruelty and compassion toward dogs and other humans.»
We've learned recently from a remarkable study — described in a book called The Normal Bar, which looked at 70,000 people's sex lives in 24 countries — that the people who have a great sex life are doing about a dozen concrete things differently from those whose sex life sucks.
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