Sentences with phrase «remarried people»

Study on remarriage of bereaved or divorced old people 2 — Emphasis on old age life of remarried people in Chonju area
For remarried people who have young children, Burzumato recommends seeking the help of a family counselor to aid with stepfamily issues.
More than just a template, our step - by - step interview process makes it easy to create a Will for Remarried People with Adult Children.
Stuff like this and the problem with divorced, remarried people are why I left the RC church for something more tolerant of our lives and more open in their operations.
The pope can not change the prohibition on divorced and remarried people from receiving Communion.
The prohibition of divorced and remarried people from receiving communion is self - policed.
In Amoris Laetitia, Buttiglione claims, «the Pope says that, in certain conditions and in certain circumstances, some divorced and remarried people may receive the Eucharist.»
Divorced and remarried people should not divorce and remarry again.
Pope Francis says that divorced and remarried people are «not excommunicated» and should not feel «discriminated against» — he stops short of directly saying they are welcome to take the bread and wine at Eucharist, but then adds in a footnote: «I would also point out that the Eucharist «is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.
Question: Public opinion in recent months has been very concerned about the problem of divorced and remarried persons.
Other topics to be addressed at the Synod include contraception, and in vitro fertilization, cohabitation, separated, divorced and remarried persons, and teen mothers.
Pope St. John Paul II's Familiaris Consortio, for example, communicates an interpretation of the Bible and tradition with respect to the issue of marriage and sacramental discipline in the contemporary Catholic Church: Divorced and remarried persons may not receive Communion (Familiaris Consortio § 84).
While such severe forms of ecclesial discipline are rare in Anabaptist or Catholic circles, and problematic when exercised (as in the case of the Catholic Church barring remarried persons from communion), they remain options that help define those communities.
Wouldn't the mere recitation of Mark 10:11 make a divorced and remarried person feel discriminated against?
Since the earlier will is revoked by the marriage, when the remarried person dies, he or she does so intestate — and the new spouse or the new spouse's children take the assets that the deceased and his or her children may have legitimately expected to pass to the first family.
Spouses can not remarry another person until the divorce is final.

Not exact matches

It has gone so far as to call into question the criterion established in Familiaris consortio, which in number 84 says: «The Church reaffirms her practice, which is based upon Sacred Scripture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced persons who have remarried.
I NEVER said that ALL people who divorce and remarry commit adultery.
People who used to divorce nearly always sought to remarry.
Buttiglione addresses the especially controverted question raised by the more difficult passages in Amoris Laetitia: whether or not a person who is divorced and civilly remarried, or simply cohabiting, may receive Holy Communion.
Someone else asked: «Why is the Eucharist given to hardened criminals in prisons but, denied to remarried couple trying to be caring people
«Today, Catholic institutions rarely fire people when they get divorced and remarried,» and the divorced and remarried «get spousal benefits.»
This includes people who have never married, those whose spouse is physically unable to have sex, and divorcees, widows and widowers who have not remarried.
And I think that's for a person who is a divorced and remarried Catholic without the annulment or an LGBT Catholic.
This struggle is even wider than the media report, and goes beyond the issues of the divorced and remarried and of pastoral care for homosexual people.
Among other things, the Italian Dominican calls for a revolution in the Church's pastoral practice among the divorced and civilly remarried as well as sexually active homosexual persons.
Yet no concern for the fact that World Vision and other Christian organizations likely hire people who are divorced and remarried (that is in the Bible) or may have had pre-marital sex (regardless of any clauses do we really know).
Last I knew, the only person who ended up well in the entire mess was the first husband of wife # 2, who found a wonderful wife and remarried surrounded by family, friends and church.
As far as attending the marriage ceremony of gay people i have two points of view the first is that that is there choice to live how they want to but to me that is clearly not Gods best and sin is sin and needs to be repented of but that is my standard not theres.As far as divorced people remarrying why shouldnt they if they have repented of there past God forgives them not condemns them.As he said to the women caught in adultery do they condemn you and she answers no and he says and neither do i.Go and sin no more.This was not just for the women causght in adultery this lesson was for every one of us he was addressing our sin publically for all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God that being his son Jesus Christ he is telling us that we must make the same decision to go and sin no more to repent in our hearts and the only way to do that is to give our hearts and lives totally to Jesus Christ other wise we are no better than the hypocrites in JESUS day.brentnz
If someone gets remarried after a divorce, then, according to this view, that person is living in a state of constant adultery.
I recall when «A divorced person can never remarry»... but now it is, «So glad to meet your second husband.»
I believe that adultery can be forgiven, what I don't understand is, if a person who has been divorced and remarried would they not have to «turn from their sin» to be forgiven.
However, if someone is divorced and remarried the Scripture tells us that person is in adultery (Mark 10:11 - 12); (Luke 16:18); (Romans 7:2 - 3); Help me understand how someone who has remarried, who has a living spouse, can repent of adultery and continue in the sin?
The prodigal left the pig pen and there are so many more verses I could quote NT that warn us!!!! Also you can't tell people they can remarry you when they did willful adultery against their believing spouse because you are agreeing with their sin by so doing.
I am being told by people of the Church of Christ that I might not can remarry again.
Though a person who has been divorced and remarried may be sorry for what they have done, they can not ever fully repent of this sin because they are living in a constant state of adultery.
Some people believe that although God makes allowance for people to get divorced (Matt 19:1 - 10), such people may not get remarried as long as their ex-spouse lives.
«It is not clear that divorced people who remarry after a first, sacramental marriage can in no circumstances be admitted to the sacraments as long as they stand by the second marriage.»
Nick, OK I see in Matthew and Mark... he also says there it is adultery for someone to divorce and remarry, yet the law permits it... if we are following the Bible, we should also outlaw divorced people from remarrying?
In his address to the College of Cardinals in 2014, in numerous interviews since then, and in personal correspondence, Cardinal Walter Kasper often suggests that there would be nothing really new about the Catholic Church, after due deliberation and consensus - building, finding a «path» toward admitting a divorced and civilly remarried Catholic to Holy Communion after a penitential period, an «honest judgment of the person concerned about his personal situation,» and support from a sacramental confessor.
Calling people who divorced and remarried being adulterers just encourages bad marriages to continue which can lead to adultery.
Rather, when confronted by the pastoral reality of people who wanted to remarry after widowhood, or after divorce, the Church, recognized civil marriages and focused entirely on the reintegration of the remarried into the Church through prayer and fasting.
An obvious corollary is the question of whether it is ever right for divorced persons to remarry.
What seems to be forgotten is that there are actually many people whose state of life is such that they may not receive Holy Communion, not only the divorced and remarried.
My guess is that Pope Francis may clarify the teaching which already exists: Divorced people who are not remarried may receive Holy Communion (provided, like everyone else, they are free of mortal sin).
Only the divorced people who have REMARRIED without an annulment are prevented from receiving the Eucharist.
The Bible also says that people who divorce and remarry are committing adultery, but let's IGNOR that.
The Church of England agreed in 2002 that divorced people could remarry in church under certain circumstances.
I met her husband (I say her husband because she remarried after my grandpa passed)... if you saw my grandmother, you would know why, she's an absolutely gorgeous person inside and out.
Young people from divorced families are also confronted with parents who may be beginning to date and develop new relationships or remarry.
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