Sentences with phrase «remediation plan»

A "remediation plan" is a plan or strategy created to fix or solve a problem or issue. It outlines specific steps or actions that need to be taken to rectify the situation and bring about a positive outcome. Full definition
This includes overseeing environmental assessments prior to the sale or purchase of large real estate portfolios and the implementation of remediation plans.
It can require the county to prepare a financial remediation plan, which it can approve, reject or modify.
Our legal team regularly works with industry clients to establish environmental compliance programs and site remediation plans that meet the expanding requirements of federal, state and local governments.
Provided support and oversight in establishing remediation plans to resolve gaps in operational risk management practices at assigned business units and / or corporate functions.
Monday, the Board of Regents approved a 19 - step remediation plan for the Common Core that Chancellor Merryl Tisch insists goes right to the edge of what the body is able to legally accomplish without legislative action.
The bank will provide a public update on its agreed remediation plan in early July and said it will disclose the costs in its annual results on August 8.
If lead levels are above 15 parts per billion, the school must end using that water outlet and being a lead remediation plan, while also providing an alternative water supply for cooking and drinking.
Bill de Blasio discussed communication problems restricting recovery efforts and his early efforts at formulating a mold remediation plan, while John Liu discussed FEMA funding and investments by the City pension funds.
The charter school creates its own remediation plan (unlike regular schools, where CPS writes the plan), and is then held accountable for carrying out that plan (you know, the one they wrote themselves).
If so, now may the time to set standards and engage in more coordinated exploitation of the Timor Sea, protected by adequate safety and environmental standards and well - developed accident remediation plans.
The extremely small group that accepts the science fully offers remediation plans that will result in massive global Depression at best and complete global economic collapse at worst.
When incidents occur, our team, which includes former officials at federal and state investigatory and enforcement agencies, has the technical, legal and practical experience in conducting data security investigations to identify the root cause, advise clients on how to respond, and develop and implement remediation plans to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
The court «must consider» any such remediation plan or certificate of conformity «and determine [s] if the plaintiff's complaint was filed in good faith and if the plaintiff is entitled to attorney fees and costs.»
Mr. Sidoti has worked with IT professionals in creating and implementing legally defensible mass data remediation plans, including back up tape remediation, and technology implementation that implicates data creation and storage, including integrated VOIP systems.
We also negotiate consent orders and remediation plans associated with the cleanup of hazardous waste, petroleum, chlorinated solvents and other contaminants with local, state, and federal environmental agencies.
Racial Disproportionality and Disparity in Washington State Child Welfare: Remediation Plan Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (2008) Analyzes and makes recommendations for addressing the overrepresentation of children of color in the Washington State child welfare system.
The board may require the applicant to complete a preapproved remediation plan prior to additional exam administrations.
Provide ÆDE cash flow and funding oversight and keep open communications with all project stakeholders, assisting with remediation plan implementation efforts.
Ability to effectively draft narratives, management reports, remediation plans in a professional and well - articulated manner
Ohio State then told the AP that Gee is undergoing a «remediation plan» for the comments that he made.
The judge requested the parties meet to discuss a remediation plan for the park near West Street and Oswego Road before April 1.
Dixon doesn't believe the remediation plan lives up to the rising expectations of Western New York residents.
The DEC has said they are going to take care of some of it to do some remediation plans, but it doesn't go far enough.»
The legislation, sponsored by in the Senate by Thomas O'Mara and in the Assembly by Donna Lupardo, would allocate state funding for the testing, help pay for remediation if necessary and require schools to disclose test results and remediation plans to the public.
-- Why not wait until Honeywell and the state finish a remediation plan for the waste beds upon which the amphitheater would be built?
Before the court closes the case it has called for an additional briefing from the FWS on an appropriate «remediation plan,» including a possible end to the service's mass cormorant culls.
Are there routine inspections for moisture and mould, and has the school established prevention and remediation plans?
In a statement, Governor Mike Pence expressed concern and disappointment at the federal report and says he's urging the State Board of Education to create a remediation plan that will help ensure Indiana does not lose its waiver.
«In sum, the use of observation data is important to principals for a number of reasons: It provides a «bigger picture» of the teacher's performance, it can inform individualized and large group professional development, and it forms the basis of individualized support for remediation plans that serve as the documentation for dismissal cases.
(Texas) A controversial charge two years ago from federal regulators accusing Texas education officials of improperly cutting services to students with disabilities has resulted this week in the launch of a new $ 85 million remediation plan.
When determining action based on incompetency, the superintendent must consider factors that include the following: the time between the unsatisfactory ratings, the quality of the remediation plans, and whether one of the unsatisfactory ratings occurred during the first year of a teaching assignment.
Denied request by Madera County Office of Education to waive the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 3051.16 (b)(3)(the requirement that educational interpreters for deaf and hard of hearing pupils meet minimum qualifications as of July 1, 2009) to allow four interpreters to continue to provide services to students until June 30, 2013, under a remediation plan to complete those minimum requirements.
So (if) you're on the warning list, you're eligible for closure the following year if your remediation plan has not been passed and you've not rectified the situation.»
Once the gaps have been identified and the remediation plan is in place, your BlackBerry consultants will map the flow of PII through your organization's network, so that controls can be strategically applied.
This year, six states mentioned or recommended using compost in site development and / or remediation plans; these states are California, Colorado, Montana, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Washington D.C. [2] We also found the State of Arkansas and Washington D.C., both, recommend providing food waste / organics collection programs in their QAPs.
A remediation plan typically requires cooperation between the landowner, the at - fault party and third - party environmental / industry organizations.
In a statement the legal tech and publishing giant said that eBrevia's AI engine powers Thomson Reuters contract remediation services by identifying three critical data points based on the client's remediation plan: clauses needing revision, the absence of clauses required by the regulation, and the components required to generate a contract amendment.
eBrevia's AI engine powers Thomson Reuters contract remediation services by identifying three critical data points based on the client's remediation plan: clauses needing revision, the absence of clauses required by the regulation, and the components required to generate a contract amendment.
The decision reached January 25, 2013 in Putnam County Circuit Court set up a 30 - year monitoring and remediation plan to area residents.
Under HB 727, a business that hires a «qualified expert» to inspect its premises to either verify conformity with ADA facilities access requirements, or to develop a compliance plan, can have that information considered in a lawsuit filed in a court within the state of Florida, provided that the certificate of conformity or remediation plan has been filed with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (the «DBPR»).
Any breach of this data will require organizations to report within a 72 - hour timestamp, which is a short runway for complete response, and to have a remediation plan.
Each CE must do their security risk assessment, produce a remediation plan with efforts towards compliance, and complete due diligence on their business associates.
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