Sentences with phrase «remember animals of»

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Some longtime animal welfare professionals can remember the days of tiny cinderblock shelters hidden away from the community, bare concrete kennels and unthinkable euthanasia rates.
Remember our brains are the products of millions of years of animal evolution prior to our more sentient abilities of the past 250,000 years.
There have been actual, physical, places which were considered to be the gateway to «Hades» (Hades was the Greek name of the G - d of the underworld, Pluto was the Roman name)... most of these places were places that emitted gases from deep in the earth that killed off flying birds and / or the animals surrounding the area (Can't remember the name of the lake in Italy offhand, but there's a new find in Turkey with roughly the same idea):
That those animal sacrifices were to learn of what was to happen when God would make that sacrifice and that that is why there is communion today as a means to remember the sacrifice God's beloved son had made.
Remember when Noah was commissioned to build a boat and save his family and two of every animal?
> Humans and other animals have many more examples of sub-optimal or bad design He wonders at chimpy lookin mouth, but remembers, he has too many teeth for his mouth.
If he was sneering at Darwin a bit (one does not need a mirror to know that one sneers), did he remember uncomfortably that a sneer is derived from an animal's lifting its lip to remind an enemy of its fangs?
Some of you may remember that Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, had occasion to remark that man is a social animal.
Just as physics generalizes variables of movement so that they can apply not only to a human hunter and his fleeing prey, but also to stars, planets, atoms, and photons, so psychics needs to generalize such ideas as feeling, perceiving, remembering, anticipating, intending, liking and disliking, so that they can apply not only to animals, but even to the real individual constituents of the vegetable and mineral portions of nature.
When they stop work every seventh day, the people will remember that the Lord brought them out of slavery, and they will see to it that no one within their own dominion, not even animals, will work without respite.
What I remember is the sharp specificity of lying on the living - room floor alongside the boiling radiator, propped up on my elbows and a cushion filched from the sofa, to read Gerald Durrell's My Family and Other Animals while the sweat dripped inside my shirt and the wind whistled up through the gap around the radiator pipe to chill my hands.
Even the point about what is best for other creatures, which may seem very modern, is not without foundation in Hebrew Scriptures in such passages as the law against taking the hen - bird as well as the eggs from the nest (Deut 22:6), or this saying from Proverbs: «A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast» (12:10), where, be it noted, the quality that makes a man considerate of his working animals is not prudence or good business sense but «righteousness,» a point all the more significant when we remember that in the Hebrew Scriptures one of the marks of righteousness is not mere evenhandedness but active favor to the weak and deprived.
The speaking animal is a prevalent theme in antiquity (one remembers the classic example in the Iliad of Achilles» horse Xanthus); but in the Old Testament it occurs only here and in the Garden story (Gen. 3).
«We sent everything this animal ate to this restaurant and they created the most beautiful centerpieces out of hay and alfalfa,» Martin remembers.
Consume a good source of protein at every meal — animal protein or plant protein (remember to combine your proteins if they are from plants).
Remember how I said they leave no parts of the animals unused?
Thank you so much for including vegan recipes on Cup of Jo:) and remembering that it's easy to have an insanely delicious meal without harming a single animal.
Cha cha cha chia... if you're a child of the 80's you remember putting those little seeds on a clay animal or Homer Simpson's head, placing it in the sun and waiting for it to sprout.
He writes: «In Italy Saint Anthony the Abbot is remembered for being the protector of domesticated animals.
Because we always want to remember that meat comes from actual animals, and because working with a whole bird is an easier way to do that than breaking down, say, a side of beef at home.
Although I am only 17 years old and do not remember when our game was really plentiful, the stories I have heard and read about slaughter in our own past have made me aware of the tragedy of animal extinction.
Remember he got limited opportunities at Utd, if Arsene utilizes him properly he might become an absolute animal at the front of our attack, the opposite, it should be said, is terribly true
By Cheryl Strayed from the archives: fall 2008 As a child and teenager, I remember being mildly disturbed by the animal quality that overcame my mother while in the presence of babies.
The basic premise is to remember the order of the tower of animals.
It's important to remember that the human being is one of the most immature beings at birth; which means that their brain is severely underdeveloped compared to other animals.
The tips I have to make it easier are: have playdates with other parents who also understand that babies are completely uncivilized at that age so they don't get upset if some grabbing happens, have a huge pile of toys so if one child grabs one away you can quickly trade in another one, and remember that some animal crackers or Veggie Booty can solve a lot of conflicts instantly.
Remember the time when baby shower ideas for infants» toys were in the range of rattles and stuffed animals, teething toys and bath toys?
Another great idea with animal toys comes into play if you live overseas from the child, you can send some animal toys native to the country you are in so then those toys will always be remembered as being from you, and you've got a good idea of other ones to get for the next gift giving occasion!
I remember seeing a woman prisoner, who had no meaningful relationship with anyone, coming out of her damaged self through the caring for an animal in prison.
Remember him in «Animal House,» «The Hunchback of Notre Dame» and as Oscar nominee for «Amadeus»?
The social intelligence hypothesis posits that having to navigate a complex communal life, which involves challenges such as keeping track of who is a friend and who is an enemy, has pushed group - living animals to evolve the mental machinery required to solve and remember mental tasks such as the box puzzle.
If the animal remembered the first picture it saw and released the lever, a drop of delicious juice would roll down a tube and into its cage.
I remember looking at the report and realizing that there were all of these similar genes in all of these different animals and thinking: «Maybe a careful reading of the papers associated with the sequences most similar to mine will tell me something about my own gene.»
To look at the most elementary representation of that process, and since learning and memory are extremely conserved in phylogeny, you need to know what's good and what's bad, what's dangerous and what's safe, what's edible and what's toxic, so you need to learn how to discriminate between alternatives and to remember that decision; and that is such a conserved process that almost all animals with nervous systems can learn and remember.
It's important to remember that we've been doing this kind of genetic manipulation of animals for a long time.
Remember the freakish animal - human hybrids in The Island of Dr. Moreau?
So, young party animals, remember the words of Faber's Dean Wormer: «Drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.»
In fact, he could sometimes remove entire portions of the brain, and the animal would still remember the association between, say, a black floor tile and an electric shock.
Then again, the ability of pigeons and other animals to find their homes even when transported far away has been «explained» by dead reckoning (remembering the outward journey), vision (landmarks, star maps, polarised light), smell or magnetism.
Here, to shed light in this space, Kentaro Miyamoto and colleagues devised a metamemory test in which macaques judged their own confidence in remembering past experiences; the animals opted for higher bets on the outcome of a memory recall test when they were surer their memory judgments were correct.
Here's what RIF does for you: If you practice some of the facts from the FISH category, later on you'll be worse at remembering the fish facts you didn't practice than you will be at remembering the ANIMAL category facts you didn't practice.
She remembers thinking that given the huge number of animals using bioluminescence, it must be «one of the most important processes in the ocean, and yet hardly anyone was studying it.»
The 1980s will probably be remembered as the decade when the defence of laboratory animals really began to make headlines around the world.
She remembers the abundance of sick and dying animals, and the task of collecting the dead.
In this new study, Kandel's former student, John H. Byrne, who heads the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, has brought a new twist to the original learning method developed in Kandel's lab — a technique that consisted of shocking slug tails at regular intervals and then seeing whether the animals overreacted later when receiving another zap, a sign that they remembered their tormentors all too well.
But sleep - deprived mice that received shots of rolipram after their training remembered just as well as well - rested animals, the scientists report tomorrow in Nature.
Perhaps more important to remember is that if dietary Maillard products caused disease, high - lysine corn would contribute an insignificant amount of Maillard product to our diets since it is used only in animal feed.
Findings of an animal study showed that frequently staying in dimly - lit room can change the brain's structure and impair ability to learn and remember.
And remember, no matter the degree of reduction or your strategy and motivation for cutting back on animal products, eating with an environmentally conscious mind is a simple yet powerful step in being able to support a healthy planet.
Remember, one of the most important fats your body needs for optimal health is animal - based omega - 3.
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