Sentences with phrase «remember by thinking»

You can remember this by thinking of the numbers 2 and 5 as being s - shaped (for «south»), and the word «Columbus» as the country Columbia, which is south of NYC.
Remember this by thinking of the «A» and the «v» in the word «Avenue» as arrow heads pointing up and down.
(I remember this by thinking organic = organism.)
Citing issues such as corruption and abuse of power raised by the protesters, Pitman says: «The tragedy of it is best remembered by thinking about what were the issues then and what they are today.»

Not exact matches

Remember, you are surrounded by limited thinking — 76 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
Think of customers as friends you hope to influence by remembering the following wisdom from Dale Carnegie: «You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.»
But by March you'll probably have to think back three months to remember how it felt knowing someone took the time to think of you.
And while it's tempting to think of markets as amorphous virtual entities, remember that, even in the B2B world, every product is purchased by a human being in the real world.
I think there will ultimately be a communication backlash, and we will disconnect more and more, and look for ways to avoid the growing sense of daily overwhelm and try to find some kind of harmony in a radically out of balance world, simply by remembering how to turn things off.
Baseball Though the origins of baseball seemed unclear in that one article I think I remember reading on Wikipedia, the modern - day game was first invented in the early 1800s by Abner Doubleday's father, Ken Burns.
Think of yourself as a user as well as a founder or an engineer when creating an app, and remember that getting to a million, or a billion users isn't done by catering to Silicon Valley and techies.
But when you look at the traditional approach to advertising, which is fundamentally driven by guesswork, albeit very intuitive and experienced guesswork... The advert I was thinking about... do you remember the Cadbury's advert of a gorilla playing the drums?
Remember, the higher the time frame the higher the probability of the setup, I wake up in the morning and preempt what is going to happen, or what I think will happen by drawing important levels on my charts and making notes.
But I think it's also important to remember that in the period leading up to the 2007 equity market peak, it was credit that was first in trouble, then came equities peaking followed by commodities.
We atheists should all remember that in almost every country where Muslims are a majority, free thought and changing religions is a crime that is often punishable by death.
when your mother / sister / cousin / daughter gets r / a / p / ed by some ass, remember you want her to give birth to that child because «GOD» made that baby and don't expect a dime from the governement to help with that «love child» seeing you want the governement to «stay out of your life»... but it's ok if they mess with everyone else based on your idea of «GOD» and what you think is right and just in fairy land.
As atheists it is important to remember that no thinking person likes to endure proselytizing by others — either by theists, or indeed by atheists.
Let's be honest, keeping our minds constantly on Christ is a bit of a daunting task, but I think we can take steps in that direction by remembering who God is and what He has done for us.
Using the example about the couple: if the healthy spouse had love (remember, it is a mindset), s / he would be driven by the desire to do or be what is best for the critically ill one, and thus, would not harbour thoughts of running away.
and for him to ban religious thought, speech and clergy is just wrong and he will be remembered for doing the wrong thing in this serious memorial to a horrible tragedy done to our country by terrorists!
No, coptic christians will not be remembered at all for this - years and years will go by where they think it was an «israeli jew» lmao - damage already done by cnn and other media outlets like the wall street journal - nice work guys - at least this will start more suicide bombings and beheadings that will give you more headlines and idiots like me to post comments --
It must be remembered that the early Christian community moved almost wholly into the Gentile world within a generation or two after its origin within Judaism, and that, as Christian thought took more definite shape within the next three or four centuries, it was inevitable that it should have been strongly influenced by the prevailing philosophy of the Hellenistic culture in which the church moved.
It is necessary to remember that such a paradigm shift does not occur overnight - paradigm shifts generally occur over a long period of time, with pockets of thought frequently unaffected by the new for a long period, and often with movement taking place back and forth between paradigms until the new paradigm becomes «settled» and existing social systems are reintegrated.
I will end by stating quite dogmatically — dogmatically because a justification requires the full working out of such a theory — that for an «I» to be able to remember, to believe, to intend, to think, and to know seems to require a theory of a many - leveled self, each level being specified by the systematic equivocity of time.2 Such a theory seems to me to be impossible within the framework of process philosophy.
I clearly remember past decisions by SCOTUS, POTUS and congress that were widely criticized at the time that most of us now believe were the right thing to do, and other decisions that were widely praised that we now think were mistakes.
By the way by no means does this mean that I am particularly against Islam, I am also against Judaism, Christianity, and any unproven dark age manifestation of a all knowing, creator, If there was a god he sure does «nt need help enforcing his edicts and morals, remember that if there is a god then as many religions state, people will be judged upon there beliefs and sins after death and spend eternity in heaven or hell, so why is it so important for people to butt in and start trying to control each other and force people to believe in something that many think is absurd and insanBy the way by no means does this mean that I am particularly against Islam, I am also against Judaism, Christianity, and any unproven dark age manifestation of a all knowing, creator, If there was a god he sure does «nt need help enforcing his edicts and morals, remember that if there is a god then as many religions state, people will be judged upon there beliefs and sins after death and spend eternity in heaven or hell, so why is it so important for people to butt in and start trying to control each other and force people to believe in something that many think is absurd and insanby no means does this mean that I am particularly against Islam, I am also against Judaism, Christianity, and any unproven dark age manifestation of a all knowing, creator, If there was a god he sure does «nt need help enforcing his edicts and morals, remember that if there is a god then as many religions state, people will be judged upon there beliefs and sins after death and spend eternity in heaven or hell, so why is it so important for people to butt in and start trying to control each other and force people to believe in something that many think is absurd and insane.
Obviously the Jew did not think that in some outlandish way the past was actually re-played nor did he believe that what had happened in that past was, by its «being remembered», made in actual concrete fact a contemporary occurrence.
Lest we think all martyrdom is at the hand of right - wing states, we do well to remember the fate of those nuns whose death at the hands of the French Revolution is chronicled by Poulenc in his opera Dialogues of the Carmelites.
For all of those who wonder how Jesus thought about money remember he's the one who said that it would be easier for a camel to pass by the hole in a needle than for a rich to get into heaven....
Things of this kind are from God: the fertile land, moderate winds, abundance of seeds, the work of the oxen, and other things by which a farm is brought to productivity and abundance... But the avaricious one has not remembered our common nature, and has not thought of distribution...»
In his sermon «St Paul's Gift of Sympathy», 13 Newman describes the Apostle's love for Christians and stresses that Paul is so full of love for others that «in the tenor of his daily thoughts, he almost loses sight of his gifts and privileges, his station and dignity, except he is called by duty to remember them, and he is to himself merely a frail man speaking to frail men, and he is tender towards the weak from a sense of his own weakness».14 Paul knows that not only do others need God's mercy, but above all others he himself has need of it.
By inference these patterns can be used to construct a detailed picture of activities that have traditionally been called mental and spiritual, including feeling, thinking, remembering, purposing, and choosing.
Remember that we all came from the same place, we are here now sharing this Earth, and we will go back to where we came from very soon... So lets spend our time wisely... We must use the gift given to us and choose to think for ourselves, by not allowing the past or others to dictate how we should live our lives... lets practice recognizing ourselves in each other... It may not always be easy... but each new day we can choose it... and that choice has an intrinsic value, upon which great things will be borne...
It is to be remembered that at this time New Testament scholarship had little if any awareness of the apocalyptic ground of the New Testament, the transformation of New Testament scholarship entailed by this realization did not occur until the end of the nineteenth century, but already the original apocalyptic ground of Jesus and of primitive Christianity was profoundly recovered and renewed in the radically new imaginative vision of Blake, just as it was in the radically new philosophical thinking of Hegel.
Although it has to be remembered that, right at the beginning of his theological publishing, Boff followed a hermeneutics of coherence or interdependence of all beings through his understanding of the cosmic Christ, something he has been taking up more prominently again in recent writings, the beginning of his trinitarian thinking is marked by a hermeneutics of suspicion, that is, by a critique of power and ideology.
The other thought i had on this is that if we follow Jesus he will make us fishers of men we need guidance by the holy spirit to lead us to the right people to share our faith.I can still remember those days of people preaching in the streets I am not certain whether that method was effective.
But then I remember the feeling following confession and think how many confessions has a priest heard and the chances of him being shocked by my confession is not exactly high.
As I was thinking about this, I remembered a hymn that I grew up singing... «Only a sinner saved by grace».
The LGBT community will fight for justice by votes I always remember my black friend who MYsaid, «Clifford, If you think being gay is bad try being black snd gay.My belief is that ENDA rights be fundamental since most people need jobs but the LGBT communty is not allowed common employment rights.
Rather than thinking, «I need to remember to stop by the store today after work,» I think, «Lord, help me to remember to stop by the store today after work.»
Hence when you find me somewhat long - winded, repeating the same things, «about the same things» please notice, you must remember that it is for the sake of the illusion; and then you will no doubt pardon my prolixity, and interpret it in a manner more satisfactory to yourself rather than suppose that I allowed myself to think that this matter needed consideration, even by you, in that I suspected you of not completely understanding yourself with respect to it.
I remember immediately being struck by the thought that it must have been a little devil who put that thought in her head (and don't get me wrong, I don't usually think things like that).
A trip to the circus, being punished by my father, the appearance of light on water — nothing became fully real for me until I could remember it and think about it.
I remember singing it as a child thinking I was nothing but a wretch, lower than scum unless I got saved by Jesus.
As his thinking became more radical, Wycliffe, who was in the service of John of Gaunt and the Black Prince and therefore in part protected, lost support at Oxford and in 1382 many of his teachings were condemned by Archbishop Courtenay (1342 - 96), a great - grandson of King Edward I, whose name is remembered in the name of the village of Nuneham Courtenay, which is one of my parishes.
Socrates thinks the difficulty through in the doctrine of Recollection, by which all learning and inquiry is interpreted as a kind of remembering; one who is ignorant needs only a reminder to help him come to himself in the consciousness of what he knows.
So next time you're kneeling down on a Sunday morning thinking that you're showing your allegiance to Christ, remember, the Lord's Day is actually the «Lord Caesar», not Jesus Christ, and it was brought to you by the Bishop of Rome, again not Jesus Christ.
Never dismiss another person's thoughts just because you disagree with them, instead, remember the statement by Will Rogers that «everyone is ignorant — just about different subjects.»
One thinks of William Temple, who in more ways than one deserved the phrase humorously applied to him in early days, «not one, but all mankind in effigy,» 46 Those who think of him first of all as philosopher, Christian socialist, ecumenical statesman, or evangelist should remember that it was the priesthood of the Church of England to which his life was primarily devoted, and by its traditions that he was inspired.
Awe, thanks for thinking of me — the colonoscopy went well — it's the whole day and night of prep before the test that's draining (literally) and then you go in and close your eyes & it seems like seconds went by and it's all over — can't remember a thing.
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