Sentences with phrase «remember my name without»

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And, without realizing it was happening, learning to memorize a deck of cards helped me develop techniques that make me a lot better at remembering the names and faces of people I meet — as well as a bunch of other things.
So the next time you'd like to excuse yourself for forgetting someone's name without offending the person, just say something like, «Oh sorry, I was just overly concerned with telling you my own name to remember yours.
Without a good memory (especially remember someone's name) every meeting becomes a first meeting.
The woman's name is Grace Buscher and, without her, the Coco Palms would not have become the legendary place people fondly remember — a Hawaiiana resort on the tropical island of Kauai, steeped in Hawaiian culture and exuding aloha spirit.
And, oh, when the hour - glass has run out, the hourglass of time, when the noise of worldliness is silenced, and the restless or the ineffectual busyness comes to an end, when everything is still about thee as it is in eternity — whether thou wast man or woman, rich or poor, dependent or independent, fortunate or unfortunate, whether thou didst bear the splendor of the crown in a lofty station, or didst bear only the labor and heat of the day in an inconspicuous lot; whether thy name shall be remembered as long as the world stands (and so was remembered as long as the world stood), or without a name thou didst cohere as nameless with the countless multitude; whether the glory which surrounded thee surpassed all human description, or the judgment passed upon thee was the most severe and dishonoring human judgement can pass — eternity asks of thee and of every individual among these million millions only one question, whether thou hast lived in despair or not, whether thou wast in despair in such a way that thou didst not know thou wast in despair, or in such a way that thou didst hiddenly carry this sickness in thine inward parts as thy gnawing secret, carry it under thy heart as the fruit of a sinful love, or in such a way that thou, a horror to others, didst rave in despair.
Samuel said obedience is better than sacrifice so just obey the word, Remember James said faith without works is dead being alone, so act on faith and obey Jesus the name of the Word of God.
Without the stats next to Dickerson's name, it's possible that more voters would have erred on the side of history, remembering that Cruz has been excellent for years, now, and vaguely remembering a few highlights they might have seen on MLB Tonight.
This guy can't even make it in Bournemouth team, they play better without him.We have enough deadwoods in Arsenal team (all overpaid)- don't need another one.MU to buy him?Hard to believe, but if is it true, get the money and run fast, don't liok back.Add Ramsey on the package, for free, just to sweeten the deal!Please, from now on don't even remember Wilshere name, we have a lot bigger problems.He is excactly where he supposed to be-in a low team.As a reserve, on the bench, he's not even good enough for them.Time to get rid of the mediocrity in Arsenal team.All the «British core» must go, and fast.Let Wilshere become other team» svproblem, we have our own.
His name is always likely to feature heavily in the press and remember, you'll earn money without even having to lift a finger if you have the Buzz winner in your portfolio at the end of each day.
You'd rather we place our trust in people who know is so little that we're lucky if our names are remembered without a look at a chart on the way in the door to a room that might be shared with a few other laboring women.
«We are hoping to come up with names that are easy enough to remember and easy enough to use,» without stigmatizing countries or triggering panic about pigs or pork, he said.
I can't remember why I walked in the room, I can't remember names, I can't retain what I just learned, I can't focus without getting distracted...
Joy's website Joy's products — Joyous Shop Joyous Health: Eat & Live Well Without Dieting (book) Samantha Gladish (The Qualitarian) David Suzuki — Dirty Dozen Cosmetic Chemicals EWG's Skin Deep Cosmetics Database Graydon — Clinical Luxury by Nature Éminence Organic Skin Care Of Hungary Consonant — Advanced All Natural Skin Care Green Beaver Sea Flora — Wild Organic Seaweed Skin Care Redmond Clay Powder Schaf Skin Care Hugo Naturals Skin Essence Organics Rahua Amazon Beauty Live Live Sun Lotion with MSM (Marni remembered the name) Yogaglo Julie Daniluk
And it's what a lot of my clients tell me every day: I can't remember names, I can't retain what I just learned, I can't focus without getting distracted.
Death - wish mechanic Michael Winner first made his name as a director of comedies (You Must Be Joking, The Jokers, I'll Never Forget Whats» isname)-- a fact one remembers only with some straining, and without the assistance of his latest film.
I wish I could remember the author's name of a blog post I read quite a while ago that outlined everything that makes Hugh's writing so stellar without giving away any of the story.
Once you have a strong brand, people will remember your name, you'll have your own dedicated audience and readers will buy your new book without even opening it first.
Can not remember the name but there is also a guy in the UK I believe who lives without money and bikes everywhere.
The new multiplayer party system means you can group up with and play with your friends in multiplayer without having to go through the hassle of trying to track down and remember user names or schedule meetups through random games.
Fan has exhibited in the United States and internationally; selected exhibitions include Whereabouts at Glazenhuis Museum (Belgium), Material Location at Agnes Varis Gallery (New York), Ot (her) at Brown University's Sarah Doyle Gallery (Providence), and Remembering Something without a Name, Chrysler Museum of Art (Virginia).
With Groups, customers can control the devices in the same room as an Echo device without remembering specific device names.
Groups allow users to place their Echo devices into smart home groups so Alexa can act intelligently on requests without the user having to remember specific names of devices or device groups.
Hello, I wanted to print something in the printer that prints without a computer (I don't actually remember its name) I tried printing a -LRB-.
Remember, you can not use customer names without written consent, so it's usually best to just describe them in general terms, such as «a newly married Oakville couple I recently worked with are so glad they decided to buy a house now because...».
If you've read my blog from the beginning you might remember us going through a year - long season without a job, years of growing my own business, nine months of trying to sell a house under difficult circumstances, moving to a new house in a new state, various life - threatening health emergencies in our family, focusing time & energy on starting a church, getting a crazy puppy named Jack and now this season of intense nesting!
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