Sentences with phrase «remember to breathe does»

Just because you need to have faith in the magic of air to remember to breathe does not mean the rest of the world needs to.

Not exact matches

Remember that scene where the guy has to do a REALLY deep dive, so he wears a rig that allows him to breathe a liquid similar to the same fluid that a child breathes in the womb.
I don't remember when I started making it, it's just like breathing to me.
It's doing things that feel self - nurturing to me like time with girlfriends without the tots, changing the question to change the perspective, remembering to stop and breathe, and forgiving myself for not being perfect at the all - important job of Mothering.
And so you are not just going to learn your breathing techniques if you are going to go run a marathon, you are going to train your body, and you are going to get ready for it, you're going to strengthen your legs, and you are going to strengthen parts of your body that you haven't imagined, I remember my sister saying that her arms hurt after birth — she didn't had the strength in her arms to really use them to pull against whatever she was pulling against, whether it was her partner or someone else, to birth her baby.
But in the actual moment of labor, the coach helps a woman to focus on her breathing and encourages her to remember that her body is doing the work and she needs to feed it with air.
So she definitely doesn't want to be stressed, and definitely wants to remember to breathe.
One of the complications of prematurity is that babies simply forget to breathe and simply do not remember that they are supposed to breathe all the time.
Oftentimes an upper respiratory tract infection can mimic asthma, so it's important to remember that «acute asthmalike symptoms» do not necessarily mean asthma — which must be diagnosed with a breathing test and the presence of chronic symptoms.
We tried to do the Lamaze breathing, but, I had been the one who practiced it, not my husband, and by about 6 centimeters, I couldn't spell my name, much less remember complex breathing patterns, so that was worthless.
Remember to breathe as you do this.
Do 3 reps. Remember to keep your back straight — and don't forget to breathDo 3 reps. Remember to keep your back straight — and don't forget to breathe.
«This morning I got mad at my Dad, but then I remembered to breathe and then I didn't shout.
Remember to breathe properly as you do the workout, so you can finish the routine.
Of course, as with the other techniques the key is to be aware of your body while doing so and remember your breathing.
And I certainly will remember to breathe this week, we do forget!
These subplots do not serve a film that only remembers at the last second that it's supposed to have a dragon in it, and as a result Benedict Cumberbatch's reptilian beast lumbers onto the screen, breathes a few words, and the story's over for this year.
It would do well to remember that any animal that has difficulty breathing, or is choking should seek veterinary help.
Let's try to remember that it is a natural bodily function and to yell at them for doing it is like me yelling at you for breathing!
Do you remember in the first Assassin's Creed when you walked into a new area and saw the hustle and bustle of a world that seemed to live and breathe just like you?
No other client ever remarked on it and I can't remember doing anything differently, but in one way or another it had to do with deep breathing.
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