Sentences with phrase «reminder of those great times»

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We've featured this idea from Yolanda a number of times, but always a great reminder as it was one of the biggest game changers for me and my money, too.
While scheduling Instagram posts directly helps you save a ton of time for basic image posts, one of the great things about reminders are that they allow you to create an image on your desktop, and then use all of Instagram's handy native features, like image filters, to put a final coat of polish on the post.
I appreciate Benson's reminder that these prayers are not meant to be said alone and indeed are very difficult to say alone: «One of the keys to the discipline of the prayer of the office is the realization that... we are joining our voices with a great multitude unknown to us who are marking the same office at the same time each day.»
I think that was a great security and assurance to her, especially in times when she needed that extra confidence in his love for her (and a reminder of her Heavenly Father's too).
Doing this Challenge will never equate to what those who live on SNAP experience day - to - day, but this Challenge is always a great reminder of how much I have to be thankful for in life, and why I am never ever «too busy» to take time to volunteer.
While it may not feel like spring for a while in Seattle, at least I know I can bring that spring - time feeling indoors by surrounding myself with bright colors and flavorful treats like this loaf which are great reminders of what's to come.
Keep it in the kitchen as a frequent reminder of the great real food family times you've had, so your kids learn to associate real food with great moments.
So... this was a great reminder for me that kids this age NEED lots of time to move.
I want to acknowledge that for many, this holiday period may be a time of excitement and happiness, whilst for others it may be a time of great anxiety and sadness as they struggle with challenges in their families, or the reminder of someone who is missing.
I'm going to install a shelf this week so we can display his #Lego Star Wars creations forever so it will be a reminder of a great bonding time for a greater cause with my son!
Customers tell her that the jewelry «is a gorgeous reminder of such a special time» and a great way of commemorating «the bonding experience you had with your child.»
Great reminder to us all especially this time of year.
As I look back at my photos, the family memories of great vacations and times spent together are a lovely reminder of how our time was special this summer.
Every time I slip this dress on (and there have been a great many times since April), she serves as a never - failing reminder of all of the good in the world.
Painting a mug or a money box with your kids and partner is not only a great way to spend quality time together but it also means you will have a reminder of the day to keep for years to come.
«Tangerine» is a great Los Angeles movie and a great indie and a great reminder of the possibilities of creativity during a time when everything is a sequel or a reboot or a comic - book spectacle.
We always like to end our weekend box office reports with a little reminder to «Support your local indie theater, boys and girls,» and with the roster of films hitting art house and repertory cinemas in 2011, it was an especially great time to stray away from the sticky floors and text friendly megaplexes.
They live above an old cinema and Del Toro takes great delight in showing light from the projector seeping up through the cracks of their floorboards — a reminder of the way fantasy can seep into real life in positive ways, giving those shut out from the world the strength to be themselves, even in dark times.
Stone's quavery but full voice and her raw vulnerability are riveting and a reminder that for all of La La Land's visual flash, its greatest strengths are Stone and Ryan Gosling, who put their wit and woes into every second of their screen time.
Not only will this kindred spirit be a welcome relief in times of great need, but will likely be a constant reminder that we're all here just trying to do our best.
Used as posters, they also create a fabulous FRENCH look and feel to your learning environment, and are great as both a «general» learning display, or for when you are focusing on telling time in your FRENCH lessons - they're a really useful prompt and reminder as you work your way through how to tell the time in FRENCH, focusing on these particular clock times across a series of lessons.
With the small two month window, Diamond Previews has rarely been the source of new licenses but it's a great reminder and showcase of all the books coming our way soon, plus the perfect time to get your orders in, whether through Diamond or at your online retailer of choice.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and just as a reminder, Canadian and US stock markets will be closed on Monday — perfect timing given the release of the new House of Cards!
And the fact Saga now trades on 3.2 times peak earnings is a great reminder of the potential upside if we see sales regain / surpass their previous FY - 2013 peak in due course.
Finally, we have the booby prize, the US election... A great reminder to never pay attention to the pundits (who totally ignored the omen of Brexit), or even bother trying to time / second - guess the market.
Therefore, this week is a great reminder for women to think of No. 1 from time to time!
Whether you take the more traditional route of exploring the world's great museums and art galleries, or go even further back in time to explore our ancient ancestral roots in Africa, cultural holidays are an important reminder of the lessons of the past.
The calendar feature is great at keeping your personal appointments in there as a reminder of what may potentially conflict with a parents visitation time and allows the children to also see what appointments or activities are coming up.
«Scott Roeder's life sentence is a reminder of the tragic loss of Dr. George Tiller, who helped women and families across America at their time of greatest need.
The calendar feature is great at keeping your personal appointments in there as a reminder of what may potentially conflict with a parents visitation time and allows the children to also see what appointments or activities are coming up.
While there are still two months left of winter here, it was a great reminder that sunnier and warmer times are ahead.
Your heartfelt post was a great reminder of my path ahead and focus for time to come.
It's been a great reminder of what's really important, because «good things» on my list often include having more privacy and more space, but living with our family for the last time has been made up of many «best» moments.
A great reminder that can change the mood of the room and refresh your home with no investment beyond your time.
What a great reminder of how one must be this time of year.
It's one of my all time favorite hymns and a great reminder of what is most important in my life.
I scatter them around the house and they are a reminder of our family time — no watches, staying up late, going out every night to do something different by the beach — great reminders in the middle of winter!
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