Sentences with phrase «remove archived material»

WebCite respects no - cache / no - archive tags and robot exclusion policies, and will, like Google, remove archived material upon request.

Not exact matches

[162][163] The move prompted outcry and comparisons to Nineteen Eighty - Four itself: in the novel, books, magazines, and newspapers in public archives that contradict the ruling party are either edited long after being published or destroyed outright; the removed materials go «down the memory hole», the nickname for an incinerator chute used in 1984.
Material may not be removed from the archives research area.
I think the Internet Archive follows something like the infamous Rogers Cable negative option: there are ways, evidently, to prevent their bots and spiders from taking your site, and ways to get them to remove your old material — but you do have to take steps, and I'm not sure that's right.
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