Sentences with phrase «remove damaged cells»

The objective of inflammation is to remove damaged cells, harmful irritants, or toxic pathogens and begin the healing process.
As cells divide, gain volume or differentiate, tissues rely on maintenance and defense mechanisms to efficiently detect and remove damaged cells.
The onset and progression of disease in inherited ALS is determined by the motor neurons and microglia, small immune cells in the spinal cord, which migrate through nerve tissue and remove damaged cells and debris.
«The belief in the field has been that macrophages were there to remove damaged cells in the organ,» Dr. Storz says.

Not exact matches

When used on the skin, it balances oil production, unblocks sebaceous glands, which can lead to blackheads and whiteheads, destroys bacteria, and removes damaged skin cells.
One or more cells are then removed to check for chromosome damage.
If the tumor that Jobs had removed in 2004 had begun to break down prior to the surgery, White says, the tumor's dead cells could have released protease and lipase enzymes that may have damaged beta cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin.
Xue is the lead author on a paper being published Jan. 7 in Nature Communications that details how PSR - 1 recognizes and removes cells that are pre-programmed to die or damaged.
«However, the capillary constriction produced by pericytes may, by restricting the blood supply for a long time, cause further damage to nerve cells even after the clot is removed.
Autophagy, Roepe explains, is the process by which cells remove damaged parts of themselves to restore normal function.
Healthy wound healing has four phases: blood clotting to stop bleeding, inflammation to remove dead and damaged cells, proliferation of new tissue and the remodeling of tissues to be stronger and better organized.
Mitochondria can be damaged as people age and cells experience various forms of stress, and it is the job of PINK1 to help trigger a process called mitophagy to remove those dysfunctional mitochondria.
«Autophagy,» which means «self - eating» based on its Greek roots, is the normal physiological process the body's cells use to remove viruses, bacteria, and damaged material from the cell.
The specific genomic region where this non-coding RNA is located often gets damaged in breast cancer patients — this control is removed and the cancer cells spread.»
Here is the mystery: the body's immune cells usually remove dead and dying cells through a process called phagocytosis, yet the amount of material that is consumed is so great that you'd expect significant inflammation, pain and tissue damage — something that doesn't typically happen when breastfeeding ceases.
However, when the researchers genetically removed syntaphilin from the nerve cells, mitochondrial transport was enhanced, allowing the damaged mitochondria to be replaced by healthy mitochondria capable of producing ATP.
«We have shown that by removing LigC and D, mycobacterial cells become much more sensitive to oxidative damage.
That news alone was an exciting breakthrough, but there's more: In lab mice, damaged retinal ganglion cells survived longer and were able to regenerate when excess zinc was removed through a chemical process called chelation.
As DNA damage is often one of the early steps in the development of cancer, the detection of micronuclei by cGAS could therefore be an important early alarm system allowing the human body to detect and remove potentially cancerous cells.
But Fabry explains that much of the damage to brain cells occurs after the clot is removed or dissolved by medicine.
Her group's proposed strategy is to surgically remove the problematic blood vessels and replace the damaged RPE cells with new RPE cells derived from a patient's own cells.
Such approaches are yet to be tested in vivo and the potential to cause collateral damage by removing the brake on potent inflammatory cells must be considered.
The scientists think that phosphorylation enables neurons to remove more of the harmful protein so it does not accumulate and damage the cell.
Senescent cells have removed themselves from the cycle of replication in reaction to cell and tissue damage, or a local tissue environment that seems likely to result in cancer.
If nuclear DNA damage was removed, such as via the somewhat distant molecular nanomachinery of chromallocytes, programmable nanorobots moving from cell to cell to fix each breakage, then aside from the elimination of cancer, would it have any other measurable effect on health and longevity?
We will be discussing new research published in nature where researchers modified a protein associated with Alzheimer's disease into a more harmless form, allowing them to remove the damage caused by Alzheimer's in human cells.
The team's work, published in 2014, used staining and epiflourescence to find the nucleus in chicken egg cells and then successfully removed it without damaging the egg cell's membrane.
Additionally, the artificial pairs have to accomplish that without being detected and removed by the natural mechanism that a cell uses to repair damaged DNA.
If not degraded and removed, glycosaminoglycans can accumulate in cells and tissues, resulting in progressive, permanent damage affecting appearance, physical abilities, organ function and often mental development in young children.
The new camera is designed to help surgeons remove all the cancerous cells without damaging healthy tissue, making it less likely that the cancer will spread and reducing the need for multiple surgeries.
A treatment plan may include red blood cell transfusions, intravenous immune globulin to strengthen the immune system, an iron - rich diet or iron supplements, exchange transfusions to replace damaged blood with fresh blood, surgery, immunosuppressive therapy, or partial exchange transfusions to slowly remove and replace a large portion of a patients blood volume.
They increase immunity via a process called autophagy, which cleans up damaged cells, removes neurotoxins and breaks down toxic chemicals so they are more easily filtered from the body.
Milk Soothes dry skin, calms stressed skin, removes debris from clogged pores, brightens, diminishes the appearance of age spots, assists in maintaining moisture, plumps, protects cells from damaging free radicals
The combination can help to remove bile, which prevents damage to colon cells and helps prevent colon cancer.
By removing toxins from the body, cleaning up damaged cells, resveratrol can improve the nitric oxide cycle and enhance blood flow dynamics.
By removing bile, fiber helps to prevent the damage that certain bile salts can cause to colon cells, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer.
Ginkgo may work by increasing blood flow in the brain, helping to remove free radicals that can damage cells, and reducing inflammation.
• Due to the high content of Vitamins A and C, sweet potatoes help remove free radicals which damage cells.
Antioxidants reduce cell damage by either removing or limiting this chain action.
Inflammation is the result of an immune response to remove harmful compounds, including damaged cells.
However, stem cells may be a helpful tool that can regenerate a thyroid gland that has been damaged, and even surgically removed!
Ultimate MicroDermabrasion uses natural ingredients to exfoliate the skin and remove dead and damaged cells.
Autophagy, the process of removed and recycling old and damaged cells, is a new area of research for reversing the effects of aging.
Strange as it sounds, inflammation is actually a necessary defense mechanism of the body: «Inflammation is the body's attempt at self - protection; the aim being to remove harmful stimuli, including damaged cells, irritants, or pathogens — and begin the healing process.»
«Generally, brain cells have relatively high metabolic activity and use discrete oxidative damage - repair mechanisms to remove end - products of intracellular damage.
It is the largest organ in the lymphatic system, and we know it plays a role in filtering blood, removing old or damaged red blood cells.
A molecular signal that triggers sunburns helps the body remove sun - damaged cells before they trigger cancer.
Your macrophage cells are often called the «scavenger» cells of the immune system and are specifically designed to remove damaging molecules from the body.
The spleen acts as a filter for the blood by removing old or damaged cells.
In severe cases, surgery to repair, remove, or replace a severely damaged joint and / or stem cell therapy can be considered.
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