Sentences with phrase «remove land mines»

Also with Sony Pictures Classics, it's set after World War II and sees German POWs forced to remove land mines from Danish beaches.
These, of course, are well featured in the book, along with gems like the BCK solar cooker, Club Watt (nightclub that generates power from action on the dance floor), special «spider boots» to wear while removing land mines, and HIV / AIDS education delivered over mobile devices.

Not exact matches

In mining, large areas of land are cleared of trees and brush, then the top soil and clay are removed to expose the oil sand.
Already more than 16,000 lakes and rivers within Canada have had their protected status removed in order to facilitate oil exploration and resource mining on First Nations land.
During the Vietnam war, when government officials talked of «regrettable by - products,» they meant civilians killed by mistake; «pacification» meant the forcible evacuation of Vietnamese from their huts, the rounding up of all males, the shooting of those who resisted, the slaughtering of domesticated animals and the burning of dwellings; «incursion» meant another invasion of another country; creating a «sanitized belt» meant forcibly removing all the inhabitants of the area being «sanitized,» cutting down the trees, bulldozing the land and erecting «defensive positions» with machine guns, mortars and mines.
When we come to it When we let the rifles fall from our shoulders And our children can dress their dolls in flags of truce When land mines of death have been removed And the aged can walk into evenings of peace When religious ritual is not perfumed By the incense of burning flesh And childhood dreams are not kicked awake By nightmares of sexual abuse
Looking out onto a cleared land mine field in western Cambodia during a 2007 visit, Marta Karpiel saw row after row of white sticks, each marking an area where a mine had been removed.
«Once the land mines are removed, the next morning you'll see people going out and planting vegetables,» says Karpiel.
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