Sentences with phrase «renal tissue»

We've learned a lot over the last couple of years about how to manipulate stem cells in order to make renal tissue.
The mechanisms we have learned from fish are helping us conduct experiments with stem cells in order to generate renal tissue and eventually new kidneys, like the fish.
These animals can make new renal tissues when their kidneys are damaged.
Review of «In Situ Tissue Regeneration of Renal Tissue Induced by Collagen Hydrogel Injection» from STEM CELLS Translational Medicine by Stuart P. Atkinson
In genetically susceptible people, consuming Aristolochia can lead to the formation of complexes between aristolactam, a compound in Aristolachia, and DNA in renal tissues.
Lee SJ, Wang H - J, Kim T - H, et al., In Situ Tissue Regeneration of Renal Tissue Induced by Collagen Hydrogel Injection.
What's more, microscopic studies of renal tissue from affected rats had the hallmarks of renal biopsies during human preeclampsia, the scientists report in the 4 March Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Renal tissue perfusion diminishes when MAP declines below approximately 65 mm Hg.4 In patients with sustained MAP < 65 mm Hg, the patient's urine output should be monitored closely because decreased urine output can signify impaired renal perfusion.
Suppressing the thyroid in cats with renal failure can worsen renal tissue profusion, so we must be very careful treating these kitties.
Cysts will occur in both kidneys and will lead to CRF eventually as they enlarge and decrease functional renal tissue.
In a human setting, it remains to be investigated whether cellular senescence plays an active or a bystander role in fibrogenesis and atrophy of renal tissue.
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