Sentences with phrase «rendering xhtml»

I think it's reasonable for a book file structure to have a distinct mechanism for the TOC rather than rendering XHTML for it.
fantana said: > I think it's reasonable for a book file structure > to have a distinct mechanism for the TOC > rather than rendering XHTML for it.
DocBook XSL does nothing about any images that you might supply for use with your document; it only creates the metadata files and the rendered XHTML.
It must use the dimensions expressed in the viewport meta tag to render XHTML Content Documents, as defined in Expressing the ICB in HTML.
These additions do not affect the ability of an HTML5 User Agent [HTML5] to render XHTML Content Documents, but EPUB Publications might not render identically in all User Agents depending on their support.

Not exact matches

In this session, Bill Kasdorf will show how XHTML is being used to create a foundational model for publishers that provides the structure and semantics demanded by repositories, rendering, and repurposing while providing HTML - based agility.
But when that format is built around non-standard extensions to the CSS rendering model and all of the XHTML and the CSS are built around that extended model, the file is likely to forever be useless and unreadable in other reading systems.»
' It must support visual rendering of XHTML Content Documents as defined in EPUB Style Sheets — Reading System Conformance.
' If it has a CSS Viewport, it must support visual rendering of XHTML Content Documents as defined in EPUB Style Sheets — Reading System Conformance [ContentDocs301].
It must support visual rendering of XHTML Content Documents as defined in CSS Style Sheets — Reading System Conformance.
In fact, the reading system can, for its custom view, render your navigation document like it's a regular XHTML document in the content area.
You could put your MathML for EPUB 3 in a case and an XHTML or image equivalent in the default to make an EPUB 2 - compatible publication, but then your MathML might not be rendered even in an EPUB 3 reading system with math support (e.g., ibooks, which supports math rendering but ignores all cases).
And it's still hard to say how big a problem this will be, but evidence suggests that some mix of custom widgets and XHTML rendering has to be expected.
It strives for predictability of rendering in a changing web support landscape, but it isn't well supported and also binds EPUB to the XHTML serialization (together with triggers).
You only have control over the rendering of the version you place in the spine, as in that case it's just another XHTML document.
Just because the document is being rendered as XHTML, doesn't mean it should look like you styled it.
While this is still required to be set, the rendition: viewport property reduces the work of the reading system by providing the information up front (i.e., without having to parse the XHTML document to get the dimensions before rendering it).
After reading the previous section, you probably have a firm grasp that one rendering is provided by the reading system, unrelated to what is in the spine, and the other rendering is plain old XHTML in the spine.
This element exists to enable the development of specialized content identification, processing and rendering features, such as the ability to define embedded preview content, or assemble an index or dictionary from its constituent XHTML Content Documents.
If it supports Text - to - Speech (TTS) rendering, it should support Pronunciation Lexicons [Content Docs 3.1], [CSS3 Speech] and SSML attributes [Content Docs 3.1] in XHTML Content Documents.
The lack of a rendering context means that the XHTML content model for this document is very restrictive, allowing only a single nav element in the body, to ease both authoring and processing.
The following example shows a reference to a remote audio file that has to be referenced from the manifest (the audio is rendered inline in the XHTML Content Document so it is a Publication Resource).
It also defines mechanisms to express the intended rendering dimensions of fixed - layout XHTML and SVG [ContentDocs30] content, as well as bitmap images.
should validate as strict XHTML 1.0, and renders almost identically in all major browsers (At least, it did in 2009!).
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