Sentences with phrase «renewable energy targets»

Having adopted a very ambitious Renewable Energy Target of 30 % by 2020.
History has shown that specific technology policies - feed - in tariffs, mandatory renewable energy targets and directed government programs - are the way to get growth and investment in renewables.
To foster sustainable, low - emission development, many countries are establishing ambitious renewable energy targets for their electricity supply.
It has set ambitious renewable energy targets and has promoted energy efficiency.
Setting renewable energy targets is one way that clean energy can advance quickly, as many states have demonstrated.
Cities are increasingly leveraging their status as large customers to advance clean energy agendas, with the number of cities establishing carbon neutrality or renewable energy targets expanding rapidly in recent years.
It is likely that over time other states will adopt higher renewable energy targets.
He says the state is already on a path to meet the 10 percent renewable energy target required by a 2008 state law.
The European renewable energy target for 2030 — An impact assessment of the electricity sector.
Under the previous renewable energy targets, utilities never came close to exceeding the threshold.
A combination of state and Federal level policy including stiffer renewable energy targets and a continuation of existing policies to limit emissions from fossil fuel power stations.
Today the main drivers of wind and solar are declining costs, improvements in technology, corporate sustainability goals, and state - level renewable energy targets.
In particular regional and local renewable energy targets should be expanded to include national community energy targets.
There was a move to set up an international renewable energy agency, governments would putting into place renewable energy targets.
The Indian government has adopted some of the world's most ambitious renewable energy targets, which are a centerpiece of its strategy to address climate change.
In its final critique, Harwood suggests that seeking out less expensive methods of meeting renewable energy targets is in some way a «false analysis» because it doesn't «incentivize the building of new renewable energy projects.»
Feed - in - tariffs in continental Europe, mandatory renewable energy targets in countries with liberalised electricity markets like the UK, US and Australia, and direct government investment in renewables in places like China have encouraged investment.
Meeting Alberta's renewable energy targets with wind energy would result in over $ 10 billion of investment, creating thousands of construction jobs and hundreds of jobs in operations in maintenance.
They enable major power generators to profitably generate electricity in a manner that reduces the overall cost of compliance with mandatory GHG emissions limits and renewable energy targets while also allowing countries to diversify their sources of electricity supply.
««It's very clear that one reason why renewable energy is expanding in China is that they have a 15 per cent renewable energy target compared with our pathetic 2 per cent target,» Mr Albanese told ABC radio.»
Older turbines will need to be replaced more quickly than the industry estimates while many more will need to be built onshore if the Government is to meet renewable energy targets by 2020.
THE OUTLOOK IS SUNNY FOR YINGLI»S RENEWABLE ENERGY TARGET As a renewable energy leader, Yingli's activities surpass just the reduction of its own Scope 2 emissions; it also plays a role in catalysing other companies to make an investment in renewable energy.
Half the U.S. states have standards that mandate rising fractions of green power for utilities; if the Senate can't pass comprehensive greenhouse gas legislation, says Jiang, it could fall back on a national standard mandating new renewable energy targets for electricity providers.
But new renewable energy targets from Alberta and Saskatchewan, along with the federal government's interest in getting more clean energy onto the grid, mean that 2015 should be an anomaly, rather than the start of a negative trend.»
Release of Procurement Framework and Schedule Combined With Legislated Renewable Energy Target Positions Alberta to Attract Significant Interest from (more...)
Many important elements of policy support for renewable energy are common across all regions and incomes, including renewable energy targets and action plans, primary legislation and legal private ownership of generation, and financial and regulatory incentives like feed - in tariffs or competitive tenders.
Greenpeace International is calling on the European commission to come forward with proposals for a binding renewable energy target of 45 % and a greenhouse gas reduction target of at least 55 % by 2030.
Advocates are pushing the Cuomo administration to renew and stick with aggressive renewable energy targets.
My own feeling is that by 2030 you had better have almost all of your recoverable fossil fuel resources out of the ground before the adoption of majority percentage renewable energy targets worldwide make your remaining untapped resources worth increasingly less.
Noni's significant experience in climate law includes advising on the Direct Action Plan and Clean Energy Legislative Package, the renewable energy credit and renewable energy target schemes and carbon offset and biobanking schemes.
With a substantial project pipeline, the country is in the box seat to experience a banner year in 2018, with the 2020 Renewable Energy Target now in hand and a new policy taking shape for the period beyond.
One example is the new Mandated Renewable Energy Target (MRET), which requires an increase in renewable generation of 9,500 GWh per year by 2010.
Release of Procurement Framework and Schedule Combined With Legislated Renewable Energy Target Positions Alberta to Attract Significant Interest from Wind Energy Investors
Gordon Brown was pressured today to reaffirm the government's commitment to meeting renewable energy targets over the next decade.
Look for more specific targets in its new Plan, such as more renewable energy targets pre-2020, additional caps on coal production, more low - carbon pilot cities and a rebalancing of the economy from heavy industry and steel to a focus on services.
New York is also pursuing offshore wind development to achieve renewable energy targets.
Investment stalemate puts renewable energy target at risk The Australian Andrew White 16 -LSB-...]
If you missed it yesterday, the Senate Energy & Natural Resources committee passed a new energy bill which, apart from having pitifully low renewable energy targets (15 % by 2021), would open up large areas of the Gulf of Mexico to oil and gas drilling, gives another hand out to «clean coal» and approves a new gas pipeline through Alaska.
Donald Trump is due to appear before the Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee inquiry into renewable energy targets on Wednesday April 25.
The European Commission has additionally stated it intends to scrap all future targets and support for «food based» biofuels after 2020, and future renewable energy targets for transport.
Europe's renewable energy targets drive demand for wood pellets Other voices in the forestry sector, including Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, said that wood - based energy is renewable because the wood burned is replaced by other trees that take in carbon dioxide, making the process carbon - neutral.
Victoria's plan to legislate its own renewable energy target of 40 % by 2025 shows how states are increasingly taking the energy policy reins away from the federal government.
The pricing data has angered energy experts, who say blackouts and supply issues are likely to increase and prices are likely to rise as the Victorian and South Australian governments pursue renewable energy targets without prioritising power sources that can supply baseload power.
However, the CES order does not include any mechanism to ensure that these levels of energy efficiency are achieved, in contrast to the binding and enforceable 50 percent by 2030 renewable energy target enacted by the CES order.

Phrases with «renewable energy targets»

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