Sentences with phrase «renowned journal»

The study was published today in the internationally renowned journal Nature Climate Change.
The research, conducted by Research Fellow at Trinity, Dr Conor Henry, has just been published in the internationally renowned journal, Molecular Cell.
«As a researcher, I want to publish open access, but when renowned journals with high impact factors are not open access this leaves you with a problem.
In the current edition of the internationally renowned journal «Current Biology», the group presents its latest findings on the mechanism controlling growth at high temperatures.
The chance of getting funding for your research increases when you have publications in these renowned journals.
The discovery has been published in the renowned journal Nature Genetics.
The researchers have published their findings in the renowned journal Nature Communications (DOI: 10.1038 / s41467 -017-02490-4).
These differences in their genetic makeup are an indication that urban life does impact the evolutionary trajectory of a species, write researchers at Martin Luther University and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle - Leipzig - Jena in the current issue of the renowned journal «Proceedings of the Royal Society B».
The study, which appears in the current issue of the renowned journal Nature, also references the potential for predicting such phenomena.
Although the new preprint archives as well as the general repository for biological research are still in their infancy compared to the fields of physics, and they have yet to be discovered by many scientists, they have already been acknowledged and accepted by major research institutes and renowned journals.
Their study was recently published in the renowned journal «Nature Communications».
Their study, published in the renowned journal Nature, describes in detail a metabolic mechanism that helps convert one cell type into another.
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