Sentences with phrase «rent seekers»

The phrase "rent seekers" refers to individuals or groups who try to gain wealth or benefits by manipulating the existing systems, rather than by creating new value or products. They usually seek to obtain special privileges, favors, or concessions from the government or other entities without providing much in return. Full definition
One group for whom renewables is like Christmas every day are the innumerable rent seekers who have lined their pockets at our expense.
«What we need to do is figure a [way to] work around the corporate rent seekers,» said Myron Ebell, energy director at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank that supported the resolution.
Misinformation taken at face value by citizens that is disseminated by rent seekers and bureaucratic advocates, such as the cost of certain technologies
As Malcolm Turnbull and Josh Frydenberg close ranks to protect renewables rent seekers (including the PM's son, Alex), the casualties keep mounting.
It also points to so - called rent seekers, which include big businesses that generate outsize profits through monopolistic control of industries and by squeezing workers to accept the lowest salaries possible.
Ross: Here's the point on rent seekers, rentiers.
Yes you can find angry people as rent seekers not wanting to pay for out - of - wedlock babies, but no one wants to say «no» to one's own grandmother who has paid into this so - called entitlement as a liability underwritten by the U.S. government.
«Most of the proceeds went to rent seekers in the industry and production.
Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, and peers probably aren't the original rent seekers but they may be the most famous.
It has become apparent since the inception of the blog site STT in December 2012 and its crusade to destroy the wind industry, the consequences for rent seekers, delusional left wing nuts and their associated twitter jockeys have been severe, with many now suggesting they suffer from «STT Syndrome.»
Those countries whose energy policies have been hijacked by renewable energy rent seekers — pumping heavily subsidised, utterly unreliable and completely chaotic wind and solar — have watched their power prices double in a veritable heartbeat.
That this council has supported a position totally ignoring the experience of its own community's life and blood citizens in favour of some academic appraisal from disconnected rent seekers is a despicable act of treachery that will ultimately lead to the end of any hope for a civil society.
«What the current problem has taught us is that we can not have a thriving army of rent seekers and vested interests, while the majority suffers,» is similar to Obama's «Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long.
Pat and Chip's draft report, titled Addendum: Climate Change Impacts in the United States, is a sober antidote to the climate fear - mongering patronized by the Obama administration, mainstream media, the U.N., corporate rent seekers, and the green movement.
Chanos, known for his big bet against Enron before it collapsed in 2001, said Thursday his firm has been concerned about the «rent seekers» in the U.S. health - care system who he alleges are ripping off the system.
So many have been «rent seekers» simply due to the inefficient flow of information available to other investors.
We have been really concerned about the rent seekers, the people who have just been on the margin ripping off the system
«What the current problem has taught us is that we can not have a thriving army of rent seekers and vested interests, while the majority suffers,» was similar to that of Obama which read
«Rent seekers» is a term popularized by the eminently dishonest non-scientist James Delingpole to insinuate that those who are thus labeled would not have a job were it not for some fraud.
That's why I said the rent seekers are queuing at the exit.
This would effectively shut down both NCSE and HI which both meet the definition of rent seekers and the absence of advocacy for and against CAGW would cancel out.
In the beginning, carpetbaggers, rent seekers and their eco-zealot, shock troops sold the «transition'to an all wind and sun powered future as an ecological idyll.
TASC and TUSK are just two of the ways the rooftop solar industry — also known as a «coalition of rent seekers and welfare queens,» as Louisiana's largest conservative blog, The Hayride, called them in the midst of that state's solar wars — is trying to protect its preferential policies.
TASC is just one of several ways the rooftop solar industry — also known as a «coalition of rent seekers and welfare queens,» as Louisiana's largest conservative blog, The Hayride, called them in the midst of that state's solar wars — is trying to protect its preferential policies.
These councillors now choose to believe some self serving «rent seeker» or their paid agents than their own friends and neighbours.
Next Tuesday's UN climate conference in NYC (called Climate Summit 2014) is for politicians, celebrities, and rent seekers.
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