Sentences with phrase «rep by pausing»

This exericise requires you take the Macebell over one shoulder and then swing it behind your back to the other shoulder, ending each rep by pausing with the Macebell pointed at 10 o'clock or 2 o'clock.

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There is a way you can «bypass» this failure by using forced reps, drop sets or rest - pause sets.
Rest - pause training is great for many things: it's an ideal way to increase your strength and bust through training plateaus; allows you to lift heavier weight for more reps, thereby hammering the muscles and causing a great metabolic stress that contributes to better growth; it keeps you lean by promoting the body's ability to burn off fat.
He then finishes the routine with a few rest - pause reps, done by pausing shortly after each rep in order to squeeze out one additional rep.
As you get stronger, increase the intensity of the workout by increasing the number of reps or shortening the rest - pauses between exercises.
If you want to stick with the classic version you can increase the difficulty by adding a static hold by pausing at the bottom of the rep and holding this position for 5 to 10 seconds before pushing back up.
Alternatively, you could cut the weight by an even greater percentage (e.g. 20 - 40 %) and try increasing the number of reps (or doing speed work for fewer reps, but more sets; or doing pause work, etc. and adjusting the sets / reps accordingly) and then increase weight (or reps or sets) from there.
John: one set to failure for one exercise per bodypart, 50 - 100 reps.. If you can, you want to try to add an additional 5 reps each workout by rest - pausing after you reach failure.
Increase the intensity in this situation by slowing down the rep speed or adding a pause at the end of the eccentric portion of the movement.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z