Sentences with phrase «repeal legislation»

"Repeal legislation" refers to the process of revoking or reversing a law, meaning to officially cancel or abolish an existing legal rule or regulation. Full definition
But as McConnell made clear in his statement, the Senate is still poised to vote on Obamacare repeal legislation.
However, a newly elected pro-business government repealed the legislation within months of taking office.
Speaking on the Today programme earlier, the Labour leader admitted that he would not repeal the legislation.
On the one hand, the government appears to be backing off its commitment to local ownership and content, repealing legislation passed last year that required mining firms to have 35 per cent local shareholding.
Instead of seeing charter schools as the opportunity that they are for students, families and teachers, the WEA is seeking to repeal legislation approved by Gov. Gary Locke last spring.
It calls on governments to repeal legislation imposing mandatory or presumptive terms of imprisonment, and to make changes to parole regimes.
As for the opposition, both Wildrose Opposition Leader Brian Jean and Progressive Conservative leadership frontrunner Jason Kenney have vowed to repeal the legislation if they are elected to lead a government.
In addition to calling for an inclusion of marriage equality in the Democratic Party platform, the language also backs overturning the Defense of Marriage Act and passing DOMA repeal legislation known as the Respect for Marriage Act in addition to opposing state constitutional amendments aimed at blocking gay couples from marriage rights.
It also proposed repealing legislation that prevents employers from hiring agency staff to replace workers who go on strike.
«The Coalition Government's decision to repeal legislation requiring schools to participate in behaviour partnerships will leave intact the conditions that led to this tragic incident.
After saying last week that the state would just repeal the legislation next year if Democratic gubernatorial nominee Phil Murphy wins the election in November, Sweeney began backing away from the claim on Monday.
At Monday's meeting of the state Board of Regents, Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia and her staff reiterated a point they have advanced over the past week — that bipartisan repeal legislation recently approved by the Democratic - controlled state Assembly could have the unintended result of generating more tests.
«I think we should trial repealing the legislation to see what happens if we don't have to wear helmets all the time, and I don't think you'll get the massive increases in adverse events that people fear,» Dr Rissel added.
Again, just moments before that argument was lost, Senator Singh delivered a stinging rebuke to the government and those senators who joined with it in repealing the legislation.
repeal all legislation unilaterally imposed on Indigenous people by the previous government.
FIRPTA repeal legislation has not yet been introduced in the 115th Congress, but as Republican leadership considers tax reform it may be on the table.
The much awaited announcement follows an independent review of the fuel poverty definition and target, and reforms set out in the Energy Act last year, where the Coalition Government repealed legislation to eradicate fuel poverty in England by 2016.
Scottish nationalists are calling for the prime minister to repeal legislation that discriminates against Roman Catholics.
And Republican backers of the bill like Ortt say they want to strike an agreement on the repeal legislation — not use it as a bargaining chip in holding up passage of the state budget.
Speaking to yesterday, Labour officials were unsure of whether the party would whip its MPs to oppose the coalition government's decision to repeal the legislation.
Legally, Parliament at any point in future could reverse legislation approved by referendum, because the concept of parliamentary sovereignty means no Parliament can prevent a future Parliament from amending or repealing legislation.
The years - long legislative debate over the policy came to an end Saturday as senators voted 65 to 31 to send the repeal legislation to President Obama, who campaigned on a pledge to eliminate the ban on gays serving openly.
Jolene DiBrango, the group's executive vice president, told a group of reporters after the Regents meeting that NYSUT was making a concerted push to get the repeal legislation through the Senate.
So I won't be surprised if the most common and most heated state - level legislative fights in the next six months are over Common Core - repeal legislation.
Gov. Chet Culver wasted little time in signing an education package that repeals legislation that restricts the number of charter schools allowed in Iowa, and requires the state to develop a model for intervention in underperforming schools.
This movement has gained much steam within the past few years as many states have suddenly reduced the amount of testing they required and repealed legislation that tied test scores to areas such as teacher evaluations and student promotion.
In America, Joe Barton introduced BULB, the Better Use of Light Bulbs Act, to repeal legislation that set minimum efficiency standards and would phase out incandescent bulbs.
If the Senate blocks them (as Labor and the Greens have promised to block any repeal legislation), the constitution allows the government to call an election for all seats in both houses of Parliament then, if it wins, call a joint sitting of both houses to pass the blocked legislation.
An Act to repeal legislation that has not come into force within ten years of receiving royal assent
But there is a competing view which holds that Parliament can make it more difficult — but not impossible — to repeal legislation, e.g. by requiring a super-majority.
Our legislatures have a mandate to enact, amend and repeal legislation.
Repeal legislation would cause damage to the economy, hurting investors, retirees, renters and other groups.
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