Sentences with phrase «repeal vacancy deregulation»

He would repeal vacancy deregulation as a way of protecting New York City's stock of rent stabilized housing.

Not exact matches

To do that, the Assembly has put forth a bill that would repeal vacancy decontrol and increase high income and high rent deregulation thresholds to $ 300,000 and $ 3,000, respectively, among other expansions of the current laws.
Above all, the mayor has failed to use his bully pulpit to push for repeal of Vacancy Deregulation and other loopholes in the rent laws that have cost the city far more affordable apartments than he can ever build.
The only way he will redeem himself with tenants is by calling for the full repeal of vacancy deregulation
«Its good that he is out there talking about loss of units but there is no substitute for total repeal of vacancy deregulation and he hasnt quite said that he supports that,» said Michael McKee treasurer of Tenants PAC.
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