Sentences with phrase «repeat on the left side»

Repeat on the left side.
Repeat on left side with left foot stepping behind right as you return to center; that's 1 rep. Do 24 reps, then switch lead legs and repeat.
Repeat on your left side.
Repeat on your left side and alternate sides until you have completed 15 reps.
Return to start; repeat on left side; that's 1 rep. Do 20 reps.
Repeat this on the left side.
Repeat this on your left side.
Use your arms to propel your body up, keep your shoulders back and your tummy pulled in, and repeat on your left side.
Come up on the inhalation, and repeat on your left side.
Repeat on the left side, starting with another push up.
Take right hand to low back and repeat on left side.
Repeat this on the left side as well.
Return your right leg back to the ground, and repeat on the left side (c).
Exhale and repeat on the left side.
Extend that leg back out, planting your foot and repeating on the left side.
Switch the legs and repeat on your left side.
Stand back up and repeat on the left side.

Not exact matches

Repeat the same 2 steps on the left side.
Next, you will create a «V» shape with the prefold diaper by pulling the already folded bottom, left corner to the middle (center panel), and then repeating it again on the opposite side.
After you have completed the following sequence on the right side of the body, repeat it in the same exact order on the left side.
Repeat this while lying face - down and while lying on your right and left sides to train the rest of your neck muscles.
Let's get started and be sure to repeat all the poses you do on the right side on the left as well.
Pick up your right hand, and bring your left knee in to touch your right elbow — and repeat on the opposite side.
Repeat on opposite side, with your left leg extended out in front of you.
Push into left heel and squeeze left glute to return to standing on left leg; that's 1 rep. Do 15 reps, then switch sides and repeat.
Set the left hand down, then repeat on the other side.
Work your way through the circuit, performing all the moves on your left side first, then repeating them on the right.
Lie on your back with your legs in tabletop (knees bent at 90 degrees), then twist up so your left elbow touches your right knee, then repeat on the other side.
To perform bicycle crunches correctly, get into a regular crunch position, then lift your right shoulder toward your left knee and simultaneously extend the right leg, then repeat on the opposite side without pausing.
Return to center and repeat the movement on the left side.
Repeat the pose on the left side.
Keep repeating for as long as you like (I recommend at least 10 repetitions on each side), ending with an exhale through your left nostril.
Place your right hand on the bent knee and turn your upper body to face the left arm and hold the position for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
Work on lifting your right knee up to the side, then setting it down and repeating on the left with the left knee.
Lower back down and repeat for all reps on the right side before switching to the left.
Return to the starting position by reversing the motion and repeat it on the opposite side by performing an extension with your left leg while simultaneously bringing your right pec over your left knee by crunching your torso in the opposite direction.
To start, cycle through all of the exercises on your right side, then repeat them on your left.
The person then leaves the peroxide in for 15 minutes or until it stops bubbling and repeats on the other side.
Slowly lower the legs to the right side until they become parallel to the ground, then repeat the same movement on the left side.
Press away with the right foot to come back to center, and step out to the left, repeating your liberty lunge on alternating sides.
Repeat for 30 seconds on the right side and then do the same movement for thirty seconds on the left side.
Stand back up to 12 o'clock with both feet, then repeat on the other side — stepping out to 9 o'clock with your left leg, and then back.
Repeat the same on the left side.
Repeat the same steps on the left side when you're done.
Repeat the same steps on the other side of your body to work your left leg inner thigh.
Repeat on the opposite side, lifting Ugi up from the right shoulder while lunging back right leg, and then when you come back to standing also bring Ugi back to left shoulder where it started.
Repeat sequence on the left side of your body.
Then repeat the pose on your left side.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z