Sentences with phrase «repeat this sequence until»

He repeats this sequence until the blocker is forced to commit himself to an outside stance, then Thomas blows past him to the inside.
This may be easier said then done, but it is important to repeat this sequence until your dog has all four paws on the ground.
Repeat the sequence until the dog does not try to barge through the door.
Repeat this sequence until your dog moves forward calmly (because he knows you are only going to take one step) and sits promptly when you stop and stand still.
Repeat this sequence until your dog walks calmly forward (because he knows you are only going one step) and sits quickly when you stop and stand still.
I repeat the sequence until the desired reaction is achieved — a happy puppy.

Not exact matches

The star shines brightly for a few glorious days before returning to its deathlike slumber for years or decades, until the whole sequence repeats itself.
Keep repeating this side - to - side sequence until you're unable to hold yourself up (with shoulders square to the ground) on either side.
When you can manage 5 good reps at that height go to the next pin down on the rack or if you are using a bench or table find a lower one, but do not drop more than 8 or 10 inches at a time and build up again until you can once again do 5 reps, after that it is just a case of repeating the sequence.
Repeat this sequence, moving a little further away each time until your dog responds consistently.
After a few seconds of praise and play, repeat the training sequence until your dog gets the hang of the release cue and learns that it is his signal that he is free to move.
Repeat this sequence several times until your puppy starts to get the hang of it and recognizes the «Lie down» command.
Repeat this sequence several times until your puppy begins to respond consistently then start using the hand signal alone without the verbal command.
Repeat the above sequence until Rover sits immediately after you take each step and then begin to progressively increase the delay before offering the kibble.
The jazz - up - and - settle - down sequence is repeated until every owner can get their dog to settle down and shush within three seconds.
Repeat the come here, sit, down, and roll over sequence until the puppy responds reliably, and then help each guest practice these maneuvers until each one can get the puppy to come, sit, lie down, and roll over three times in succession for a single piece of kibble.
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