Sentences with phrase «repeated calls»

"Repeated calls" means calling someone multiple times or calling again and again. Full definition
The company did not return repeated calls for comment.
Because these high - risk loans are also expensive, you might not be able to pay off your loan in a timely manner, which could result in repeated calls from debt collectors.
Apparently someone realized nothing is free, except a library book that you don't return despite repeated calls and letters.
The governor also repeated his call on the state legislature to release $ 2 billion in affordable housing funds.
Instead, he called on MPs across the house to approve planned ID legislation, amid repeated calls for a unified response to terror.
He will also repeat his call for a cap on the growth of local property taxes.
This creates anxiety which can result in repeated calls.
Even today, the series retains a strong cult following with repeated calls for a new game, but to no avail.
In the early days, a company grows by simply repeating the call - and - close cycle.
The trouble with our generation's present method of dealing with the sex problem lies in the endlessly repeated call to look down.
While repeated calls from academia and public health have failed to convince most politicians, the group hopes calls from within the criminal justice system will finally make them listen.
And while some quietly recognize it's unlikely they'd ever succeed at wiping away the program, they keep repeating the call.
At the same time, many individuals feel the need to file bankruptcy to stop repeated calls from debt collectors.
If you are not careful, your child will drag out your bedtime routine much longer with repeated calls for drinks, snacks, or to use the bathroom.
He was repeating the call of Pope Francis and told Vatican Radio the Holy See wanted to urge the world to act to stop the violence against religious minorities and find safety for refuges already forced from their homes.
In June, Mr Lewis used his maiden speech in the House of Commons to attack the company, which has previously called on Mr Lewis to join its board, and has since repeated calls made on Monday by education secretary Nicky Morgan for him to «work with the school».
Thomas criticized the Orleans Parish school district for ignoring repeated calls for openness after Lewis announced in December that the five principals wanted to charter their schools.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand continued to stick by Global Strategy Group today, in spite of repeated calls by one of her GOP opponents, David Malpass, for her to sever ties with the embattled polling / consulting firm following its $ 2 million pay - to - play pension fund settlement with AG Andrew Cuomo yesterday.
There has been growing tension between the two NATO allies after repeated calls from Turkey to extradite U.S. - based cleric Fethullah Gulen, who Ankara blames for a failed coup in July.
Rep. John Katko (R - Camillus) sounded frustrated when answering questions about repeated calls for him to host a town hall meeting for his constituents.
Mr Cameron repeated his call for a dedicated cabinet minister for national security, but he said he did not believe a separate government department was necessary.
RioCan executives did not return repeated calls from Retail Traffic seeking comment.
«By contrast, in «Evangelii» Francis repeats his calls for Catholics to stop «obsessing» about culture war issues and enforcing church rules, and to focus more on spreading the Gospel, especially to the poor and marginalized.»
AIMS Ireland repeats call for an immediate review of maternity services in Ireland and questions delay (Wednesday 5 February 2014) Following the broadcast last week of the Prime Time documentary on the deaths of four babies in Port... Read More
The prime minister also faced questions on Europe from opposition backbenchers, including the DUP's Nigel Dodds who repeated calls for a referendum and former business minister Pat McFadden.
The new union - inspired NAACP policy repeats its call for a moratorium and will continue to do so until certain criteria are met — only school districts (typically controlled by the local teachers union) should be able to grant a charter, for - profit charters should be outlawed, only certified teachers should be allowed to teach in charters, charters should be more accountable — blah, blah, blah.
If you receive repeated calls on this matter, contact an agency such as the FTC and file a complaint.
The FTC has been clamping down on a variety of collection agency abuse claims that includes repeated calls to debtors, failing to notify consumers in writing of their rights, and misrepresenting the debt in question.
In a Monday night interview with ABC's «World News with Diane Sawyer,» likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney again repeated his call for overturning the Roe v. Wade decision that has resulted in more than 55 million abortions.
Writing in Pakistan's Daily Jang newspaper, the prime minister repeated calls to continue with planned elections, arguing last week's murderous events must not deflect the country's leaders from the pursuit of democracy.
Following repeated calls from Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D - Mass.)
And immediately following the hearing the committee issued a press release repeating their call for Zuckerberg to testify, noting that Schroepfer had failed to provide adequate answers to as many of 40 of its questions.
Once again LaPierre repeated his calls for schools to increase security, even arming schoolteachers, a controversial proposal that even some Republicans have rejected.
Liberal Democrat work and pensions spokesman David Laws repeated his call for Ms Primarolo to resign, saying the Treasury was «in a state of denial» about the problems facing one of its pet projects.
* Last month, Staten Island DA Dan Donovan repeated his call for a special probe of «possible [WFP] violations of the state election law, local campaign - finance law and other related criminality.»
Nicholson was chief executive of the West Midlands Strategic Health Authority at the time of the 1,200 unnecessary deaths in Mid-Staffordshire, prompting repeated calls for him to resign.
The Tory chairman repeated calls for a progressive alliance to decentralise British politics.
Efforts to get the Chairman, Senate Committee on Financial Crimes and Anti-corruption, Senator Chukwuka Utazi, failed on Saturday night as he did not pick repeated calls made to his mobile telephone line.
Sir Denis» report pointed out that only 22 of 43 police forces have IT systems set up to help them identify repeat calls about anti-social behaviour, while just 13 forces can effectively identify those most at risk at the time the call is made.
The President who delivered his report card on the war against corruption and the efforts to secure the country repeated his call to the Niger Delta leaders to join the administration in bringing peace to the troubled region.
After the Liberal Democrats repeated calls yesterday to nationalise the Northern Rock bank, Mr Darling also directly dealt with his critics.
Labour repeated its calls for the SDSR to be reopened, suggesting defence cuts were at the root of the problems the RAF faces in the skies over Libya.
Leon repeated calls from Day to challenge the proposal for high - density, multi-family housing at Patrick Farm, but offered no specific means to do so.
Business turnaround expert Harry Wilson and Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro ducked repeated calls for comment.
It is against this background that we have constantly repeated our call on the government to implement a comprehensive employment policy for Persons with Disability (PWDs) to ensure that PWDs especially graduates are gainfully employed but to no avail.
Tory MPs repeated their calls for the review to look at the scope for a referendum on Britain's ongoing membership of the EU after William Hague unveiled the government's plans.
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