Sentences with phrase «repeated cases»

A new law requires the state to track repeat cases and notify local authorities.
Also, a member of the House of Representatives from Enugu State, Patrick Asadu, expressed concern over repeated cases of shift in elections in the country.
It first repeated its case law on international jurisdiction, stating that because the directive only applies to aircraft landing and departing from EU territory, the directive is in line with the principle of territoriality:
We have won repeated cases proving that claims made for baby formula do not stand up to scrutiny, but the firms continue using them regardless because the ASA is a toothless body requiring no corrections and levying no fines.
Finally on his own brief Mr Duncan Smith repeated his case for limiting the benefits paid to larger families.
But it's not just entertainment value that made Get Out resonate so much with audiences — the film's portrayal of racism in America struck a chord, particularly at a time when repeated cases of police brutality have put the #BlackLivesMatter movement in the spotlight.
From Francis Bacon's obsession with Diego Velázquez to Sigmar Polke's update of a classic Goya drawing, here are some great cases of art history repeating itself
«We have also raised concerns about repeated cases where the OPGT has failed to take appropriate action on behalf of its clients to obtain benefits from other government programs,» says the report.
The Court first basically repeated its case - law in PreussenElektra, noting that a reduction of greenhouse - gas emissions protects the environment, the health and life of humans, animals and plants (in line with article 36 TFEU) and is in line with international commitments of the EU (paras 77 - 82).
As a result, there have been repeated cases of damage to users» health or poisoning, and in some cases users have even died.
The irony of ID / creationist attempts to invoke science to (erroneously) support their purely religious views is that they require the practice of science to be fundamentally flawed (evidenced in the repeated cases wherein ID / creationism proponents argue for a redefining of «science» to include untestable propositions).
With the defeat of Lille 0 - 1 Inter Milan), Lyon (0 - 4 Real Madrid) and Marseille (0:1 Arsenal) repeats the case 11 years ago when, in 2000, Lyon lost to Valencia (1: 2), Sturm Graz beat Monaco (0:2) and Paris Saint - Germain and Bayern Munich finished (0 - 2).
Be sure to disinfect areas where your dog lives to avoid a repeat case of the problem.
Some have recommended a Giardia Lamblia vaccine for dogs with persistent or repeated cases.
Repeated cases of trachoma infection may cause scarring of the inner eyelid, which may cause entropion.
Prolonged Dog Giardia Not rated yet Reader Question: Repeated cases of Giardia Suggestion from our editor on Dog Giardia Treatment Hi, Giardia treatment can be challenging with repeated...
The driver and command positions allow you to pop your head out of the tank and get a look around, but you can (and will, as was my repeated case) be a nice, juicy target for snipers.
Because of the large number of repeated cases, a case will not be included... [more]
Because of the large number of repeated cases, a case will not be included in the list for three months after it has first appeared.
Repeated cases in the Court of Appeal show this (see most recently eg I - A (Children)[2012] EWCA Civ 582).
There were repeated cases of high - value cryptocurrency trades with no judgment made about the need for notification of a suspicious transaction,» the FSA said of Yokohama - based FSHO.
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