Sentences with phrase «repeated harassment»

Meanwhile he is also dealing with repeated harassment from his school peers (James Melville, Dominic Boyle, Oliver Steer) and watching his mum's hopes for healing fade.
She alleges that she faced repeated harassment, cyberbullying, and sexual discrimination and harassment during her employment, according to NBC News.
Specifically, he accused the president of going after Igbo leaders in the opposition by desperately scheming to silent them through repeated harassment and intimidation.
Repeated harassment of this sort may physically damage females as well as leaving them less time to get the food and rest they require for a healthy life.
Following repeated harassment from the authorities and after many attempts to leave East Germany, A.R. Penck finally managed to emigrate to the West in 1980.
This day of outreach follows successful outreach on October 6, when local police declined to make the volunteers leave, despite repeated harassment from courthouse employees.
Among Assange's close associates is Jacob Appelbaum, a celebrated hacktivist and the only publicly known WikiLeaks staffer in the United States — until he moved to Berlin in 2013 in what he called a «political exile» because of what he said was repeated harassment by U.S. law enforcement personnel.
He added, «We have to do a better job of filtering out egregious and repeated harassment
The answer is to document, document, document, keep the dog safely secured in the house when you're not there, and - if the neighbors persist in false complaints - send a registered letter detailing their repeated harassments and inform them that you will be forced to file a harassment suit if they persist in their disruptive, dishonest behavior.
In Trinh v. CS Wind Canada Inc. the employer was ordered to pay nearly $ 60,000 in damages after the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario found the employee had no choice but to resign due to discrimination, repeated harassment and failure to accommodate by senior management.
It is a crime to travel, or travel into or out of Indian country, with the specific intent to violate the portion of a valid protection order that prohibits or provides protection against violence, threats, repeated harassment, contact, communication with, or physical proximity to another person.
And until the repayment is done, your family may have to bear the repeated harassment by the money lenders or agents.
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