Sentences with phrase «repens microfilariae»

Nineteen cats from Tuscany, Umbria and Marche regions of Italy affected by pruritic dermatitis (Fig. 1) were found to carry Dirofilaria repens microfilariae in the blood (Fig. 2), confirming that domestic felines are a valuable reservoir for infestation to humans in Central Italy.
Clinical re-examination and a Knott test, carried out 1 month after the completion of treatment, showed the resolution of the cutaneous lesions and the absence of Dirofilaria repens microfilariae in the blood.
Microscopic examination of six slides from every Knott concentration test was carried out and Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repens microfilariae were found in the blood of all cats (Fig 2), their count ranging from 5 to 17 per sample.
Tarello W. (2002a) Dermatitis associated with Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repens microfilariae in dogs from Central Italy.
6) Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repens microfilaria (x10), the causative agent of subcutaneous dirorilariasis, associated with pruritic dermatitis in dogs.

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Two are the others canine filariases releasing microfilariae in the blood and described in Italy: Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repens and Acanthocheilonema (syn.: Dipetalonema) reconditum (Pampiglione et al., 1995; Tarello, 1999).
Diagnosis of canine dirofilariosis in animals which originate from a low - endemic region is difficult for 3 main reasons: 1) possible absence of circulating microfilariae (occult disease), 2) high frequency of a low number of adults, which in turn produces false negative results, using either ELISA or latex agglutination test, 3) possible false sero - positive results, due to cross-reaction with adult antigens of Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repens (Schrey, 1996), the agent of subcutaneous dirofilariasis causing chronic pruritic dermatitis in dogs (Tarello, 1999).
Exclusion of D. immitis, the causative agent of heartworm disease, through a negative antibodies test was an important confirmation that microfilariae observed were only due to D. repens.
Laboratory tests for Dirofilaria repens and Dirofilaria immitis microfilariae were carried out using a modified Knott's test on 1 milliliter whole blood sample collected in EDTA tube.
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