Sentences with phrase «repentance for sin»

-LSB-...] The naked pastor has a poignant prayer of repentance for his sins as a pastor.
The first step was immediate repentance for the sin and a decision to work for its elimination.
While nations must act in their own self - interest, their actions will be more clear sighted, and probably more effective in the long run, if two things that guard against moral self - righteousness guide them: Christian repentance for sin and a sense of the «perennial tragedy» of human history.
Can we approach them with repentance for our sins and a faith that expresses itself in obedience to the crucified and risen Lord
A number of African church leaders have claimed that the Ebola virus is a judgement from God and are calling for repentance for sins, including homosexuality....
Jesus accepted baptism of John in the River Jordan, not that he needed it as a sign of his own repentance for sin, but only to conform to the providential pattern.
It's the watering down of God's law, and the resultant lack of repentance for sin that bothers me when it is brought into the church as just another lifestyle.
What God requires above all else for salvation is our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our repentance for sin, our moral obedience to his call, and our willingness to try to love God and our neighbor with the full dedication of our lives.
(Their is One Salvation and after that repentance for sin.
Our initial statement affirms that God manifests himself «as the Lord and Giver of life:... awakening within us a hunger for the eternal, quickening our souls to repentance for sin
God manifests Himself upon the scene of our daily living as the Lord and Giver of life: interpreting the divine will to our human hearts, comforting us in our sore bereavements, awakening within us a hunger for the eternal, quickening our souls to repentance for sin, witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God.
Ibsen's plays notably lack any inference that there is a need for grace, repentance for sin, or forgiveness - all of which are essential for living the reality of indissoluble Christian marriage in a fallen world.
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