Sentences with phrase «repentant sinner»

Modern Christian's with their nit - picking exegesis, their discourse microscopes, their myriad alternative interpretations, are not repentant sinners seeking God, but the judge and jury with God in the dock.
Through indulgences the Church makes a close link between «the merits» of the saints and the needs of a particular repentant sinner.
No longer could I get the satisfaction of seeing a crowded altar full of fearful, repentant sinners because I delivered a sermon that painted a picture of a very hot, miserable eternity if they died tonight without a belief in Jesus.»
Some black gospel songs do use a «road» theme to describe «How Far from God» the now - repentant sinner finds herself, but there never seems to be the assumption of returning down that same road, of rewinding one's life.
Ferreira and Rodrigues are not repentant sinners, humbly confessing their betrayals and asking to be reincorporated into the Church.
When taken seriously with its full pastoral implications, it will encourage a merciless, rather than merciful, pastoral approach to repentant sinners.
In an important interview in 2013, soon after his election, Francis warned of the dangers of both legalism and laxity in the pastoral approach to repentant sinners.
Within this legendary story hides more than 5,000 others — the story of the skinny orphan, the skeptical tax collector, the despised Samaritan, the curious fisherman, the struggling widow, the disdained prostitute, the wealthy mother, the angry zealot, the ostracized Canaanite, the banished leper, the suffering slave, the repentant sinner... and ultimately, the story of you and me.
«Ronald Regonzo» who degenerates to: «truth be told» degenerates to: «The Truth» degenerates to: «Atheism is not healthy...» degenerates to: «another repentant sinner» degenerates to: «Dodney Rangerfield» degenerates to: «tina» degenerates to: «captain america» degenerates to: «Atheist Hunter» degenerates to: «Anybody know how to read?»
another repentant sinner: Very doubtful.
These are, in effect, hardened sinners and repentant sinners.
Lottie, the book's narrator, reports her experience with both types of sinners, and it is upon her own growth from hardened to repentant sinner that the book is built.
Christians must welcome back into the Church all repentant sinners — not just the ones who sinned only once, not just the ones who have not sinned again for a long time, and not just the ones unlikely to sin again in the future.
She is a model of a repentant sinner who dedicated herself later for God and his people.
The point is you (we) should learn from Jonah to obey God, and to share the free offer of Gospel to the world as God wants you (us) to do, with merciful and rejoicing hearts for the repentant sinners.
Men are conformed to Christ in their very being at ordination so that repentant sinners can hear the words, «I absolve you of your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit», and know their power and effect for real.
Howe claims that since the feds collared him he's a repentant sinner who's seen the light and now can be believed and trusted, while not offering an iota of proof in that direction, except his word.
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