Sentences with phrase «repetition of form»

I use repetition of forms as an organizing principle.
The subject matter of each is enhanced by seemingly endless repetition of the forms, giving it a new depth that is unique from his efforts with his paintings.
But repetition contains a paradox: In a given repetition of forms, each form occupies a unique position in relation to the whole.
Using self - similar repetitions of forms found in nature, this artist creates exquisite works that resemble marine life.
Each of the artists in this exhibition is unique in the ways in which they articulate the body, either through repetition of forms, layering of material, inscribing of line, unusual juxtapositions, stitching of fabric, modeling of forms, and welding of line.
New paintings displayed alongside these immersive rooms continue an enduring preoccupation with multiplying polka dots and dense scalloped «infinity net» patterns — Kusama's obsessive repetition of these forms on canvas, which she has described as a form of active self - obliteration, responds to hallucinations first experienced in childhood.
Enhanced by the almost tonal repetition of form, Scully's paintings are imbued with musical associations.
These and other works on paper make clear Schoonhoven's ongoing interest in the simple repetition of form and the nuanced play of light and dark.
Katherine Mitchell «s practice, rooted in minimalist repetition of forms and patterns, particularly the grid, would seem to exemplify this steady pace.
He continued along this trajectory in the 1980s and onward; the mandala - like symmetry and repetition of forms present in his work became more pronounced, and its palettes even richer.
Her dazzling repetition of forms suggests the inherent yet sometimes incomprehensible logic of both the cosmic and the cellular, while spontaneous twists and puckers preserve the elements of wonder and surprise.
Through repetition of forms and suggestion, Essen situates an everyday act within a moment of banal violence.
Her sculpture, often large installations, is informed by an ongoing interest in the anonymity of women's piece - work and has evolved into an obsessive repetition of form, whether in hand - crafted roses, made petal by petal, or in glazed and fired cowrie shells made from watermelon molds that evoke both ancient artifacts and open - ended metaphors for the female body.
The title of the show LOOM makes reference to shapes and repetition of form as an organizing system to generate abstraction, a process used in textile and weaving that is here embraced as a metaphor.
These adventures into novel realizations of value depend on the introduction, the emphasis, and the repetition of forms of definiteness or character in superseding actualities (PR 98/150, 230 / 352).
For my most recent paintings this involved beginning by choosing a basic compositional structure, which is usually a single form, like a circle, or the repetition of a form — an arch or line.
The repetition of forms and lines establishes a seriality while also locating the viewer in a deeply personal space.
There is repetition of form and technique that is rather calming.
Repetition of form, particularly within a minimalist aesthetic, is particularly prevalent in her work and can be observed just as keenly elsewhere.
The repetition of form and manner shatters in Rock and Roll.
The repetition of forms creates a powerful aesthetic, inviting viewers to explore, inch closer, and walk through and in between the imprisoned figures.
Influenced by surroundings and the beauty found in shortcomings of digitally captured imagery, she depicts time simultaneously passing and still through the use of superimposition and repetition of forms.
I love the repetition of forms in both the paintings and the sculpture, and the feeling of suspended movement throughout the show, particularly with the sculptures.
As a result, the repetition of forms seems staid.
With a nod to minimalism, Tony Feher articulates the repetition of the form in stacked plastic beverage crates (Century Plant, 2002), revealing beauty in the simplest gesture.
Finally, an interest in pattern and the repetition of form also links the two.
You think about Donald Judd, and a number of artists who are about a repetition of form — also Andre - there's an impact.
Also, there's this idea of repetition of form.
I saw his photographic equipment alongside his sculptural works, in multiple, and thought about representation, repetition of form, and objects» performative qualities before a camera lens.
These futile and subtly absurd enactments produce a contradictory sense of becoming through their repetition of form.
The stacked repetition of forms, for instance, refer to Constantin Brancusi's Endless Column.
At the same time, there is much that is shared in their stance and dress; a sameness and repetition of form.
Indeed the repetition of form can not solely support the massive concepts purported by the work - the brush between methodical organization and luscious coloration represents a critical element in the artist's oeuvre, elegantly conspicuous in the present lot.
Surls» repetition of forms has created a personal visual language of his own, making each sculpture both a unique work and part of an interconnected series.
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