Sentences with phrase «repetitive fighting system»

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The newest game from the creators of Vampire Smile is a «punk - rock» action brawler that has a lot of interesting ideas, but soon becomes quite repetitive due to its weak fighting system.
There's no finesse to his attacks, they're all about laying into enemies with as much force as possible, and this can still make your rampage through a camp fun — even if the fighting system ultimately turns out to be far too repetitive.
The lack of depth to the combat system means that fights become repetitive and the introduction of human enemies doesn't really add to this.
Online combat is smooth and responsive, but the combat system makes spamming powerful attacks so effective that even when playing against human opponents, the repetitive fighting quickly grows tiresome.
In my opinion, the combat system looks boring and repetitive, the characters have little unique fighting styles, and you mostly play missions with the two main characters anyway.
During the piece, GameSpy's Gabe Graziani discusses variety of combat moves as particularly vital, though he does choose a bit of a repetitive fighting game to prove his point: «The reason that an action game needs to have combos implemented into the combat system is that you have to keep the «action» that we're continually engaging in fresh and exciting.
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