Sentences with phrase «replace human review»

While most document review is too complex for box - ticking deductive reasoning, by feeding machines multiple samples of documents and outcomes it has been possible for programmers to give computers data driven instructions, leading to predictive coding, which can replace human review.

Not exact matches Literacy as a complex activity: deconstructing the simple view of reading Authors: Morag Stuart, Rhona Stainthorp and Maggie Snowling Department of Psychology and Human Development, Institute of Education The Rose Review into the teaching of early reading recommended that the conceptual framework incorporated into the National Literacy Strategy Framework for Teaching ˆ the Searchlights model of reading and its development - should be replaced by the Simple View of Reading.
Before I get into this review and start going on about how good Deus Ex: Human Revolution is, I want you to do me a favour and answer this question; imagine that you're in 2027 and augmentation technology is real, that you can replace your limbs and organs with mechanical ones that can boost speed, strength, reflexes and more.
Aaron Fluss, the National Director of Managed Review for FRONTEO, talks about the value of creativity during document review and explains why, despite an explosion of data — and costs related to corralling all that data — technology can't replace the human Review for FRONTEO, talks about the value of creativity during document review and explains why, despite an explosion of data — and costs related to corralling all that data — technology can't replace the human review and explains why, despite an explosion of data — and costs related to corralling all that data — technology can't replace the human touch.
Mr Price stresses that e-discovery does not imply replacing lawyers as human professional skills are still needed to review the results.
Using AI to craft better marketing messages would be a huge upgrade to what they are currently doing, but not necessarily replace the humans, as these services require human input first, then human review afterward.
The days of human review are gone, replaced by new technology, so likely, a person won't see your resume for several cycles — meaning you, and your skills, are being over looked.
Spelling and grammar checks through software can never replace a human set of eyes that review for syntax and other errors in a document.
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