Sentences with phrase «replaced by a merit»

Not exact matches

If a candidate is unable to convince shareholders of his or her merit, the candidate would be replaced by a director who is supported by the majority.
Played at a higher level than you I'd wager, but do tell me the merits of giving the captains armband to a guy who's due to be replaced in the lineup by a superior player.
Explanations of the merits of extending the franchise to younger people normally begin with statements such as «if someone's old enough to X...» with X replaced by «marry», «go to war», «pay taxes» and so on.
Merit pay replaced the industrial style step - and - ladder method in which teachers were paid by years on the job and how many — frequently useless — «professional development classes» they took.
After this revelation, Brill concludes the book with his five recommendations, which include ending LIFO, merit pay for teachers with high value - added scores, saving money by replacing teacher pensions with 401 (K) s, and making teaching a temporary job rather than a life - long career «In a world where career changes are the norm... that may not mean that they stay for twenty or thirty years, but it should mean they are there for at least five or ten.»
Merit pay might work if it was given to students — and only student — who cooperated with teachers and turned in all of their classwork and homework done correctly to boost learning, and increased their literacy skills by voluntarily turning off TV, video games and not texting and replacing all that crap by reading at least one book a week for enjoyment outside of school hours.
For a chamber that is populated by people who are appointed on the basis of merit, replacing the feudal system, it was a very disappointing experience.
Merit selection was eliminated by statute for the Court of Appeals and replaced with a quasi-federal system in 2013 (governor picks, senate confirms, retention election for additional terms).
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