Sentences with phrase «replacing human drivers»

So the potential outcome if it proves impossible to program driving etiquette into autonomous cars is that replacing human drivers simply doesn't happen.
The operating theory is that by replacing human drivers, autonomous technology will drastically reduce vehicular injuries and fatalities.
It will surely start replacing its human drivers as soon as its technology is ready — later in this decade.
The incident raised questions about the safety of systems that can perform driving tasks for extended stretches of time with little or no human intervention, but which can not completely replace human drivers.
Other companies are studying the economics of using automated driving systems to replace human drivers in taxi or ride - hailing services, including Uber Technologies (uber) and Lyft (lyft), which is collaborating with General Motors (gm).
The researchers involved in the project insist that the objective is not to replace human drivers but to give them smarter cars — smarter cars that will indulge your optimism bias while keeping you out of trouble.
«Today's automation systems augment, rather than replace human drivers.

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And during the years after that, we'll see both self - driving cars and cars with human drivers on the road, as the former gradually replaces the latter.
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are putting the finishing touches on their version of a driverless car that, they say, lays the groundwork for computers to replace humans in the driver seat within a decade.
For example, automated drones may replace most human delivery drivers and self - driven short - hire vehicles could make taxis increasingly redundant.
But as far as the question of accountability and liability goes, we might already be homing in on an answer, one that points to a shift in how the root cause of damage is assessed: When a computerized driver replaces a human one, experts say the companies behind the software and hardware sit in the legal liability chain — not the car owner or the person's insurance company.
The present is an array of sensors and software designed to help a car assist — not replace — a human driver, and even then, only in limited circumstances.
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