Sentences with phrase «report about abortions»

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This still only means the real number is more likely around 19 - 20 million annual reported abortions worldwide than your number of 46 million which is based on conjecture about the number of unreported abortions each year.
«By contrast, nearly nine in 10 Jews say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, as do about seven in 10 Americans with no religious affiliation and 63 % of white mainline Protestants,» the survey reported.
In the video above, AJ Hammer from HLN's Showbiz Tonight reports that Justin Bieber is turning heads following a Rolling Stone article in which he talked about his opposition to abortion, even in cases of rape.
The latest Zogby poll, reported in November 2002, reveals not only that Americans in general are becoming more conservative in their views about abortion, but that young people are significantly more pro-life than their parents.
NBC reports that the twelve jury members, seven women and five men, all «said they were either pro-choice or had no opinion» about abortion.
Read the Guardian report, Revealed: what children are being told about abortion:
A former aide to Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTrump Jr. met with Gulf adviser who offered help to win election: report Voters Dems need aren't impressed by anti-waterboarding showboating After year of investigation, Trump can rightly claim some vindication MORE criticized Sen. Kirsten GillibrandKirsten Elizabeth GillibrandOvernight Health Care — Sponsored by PCMA — Trump hits federally funded clinics with new abortion restrictions Dem senators ask drug companies to list prices in ads Gillibrand to publish children's book about suffragists MORE on Thursday after the New York Democrat became the first of many senators to join a successful push to force the resignation of Sen. Al FrankenAlan (Al) Stuart Franken100 days after House passage, Gillibrand calls on Senate to act on sexual harassment reform Eric Schneiderman and #MeToo pose challenges for both parties Senate confirms Trump judicial pick over objections of home - state senator MORE (D - Minn.).
The Post has previously reported on Sattler's controversial decision — in the custody case of Manuel Mehos versus Lisa Mehos — to allow evidence about the woman's post divorce abortion.
Michele Bachmann held a conference call with Ralph Reed's Faith and Freedom coalition on Tuesday night in which she spoke about gays in the military, abortion, and same - sex marriage, the Colorado Independent reports:
Women's rights: Cuomo reiterated his support for abortion rights He wants to ban employers from asking job - seekers about their past pay, and will seek to require state contractors to report the gender and pay of employees.
Emphasizing the «diversity and complexity of women and their circumstances,» the report cautions that any global statements about the psychological impact of abortion have the potential to be misleading.
When President Obama's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology spread panic in August 2009 about the purported dangers of a swine flu epidemic breaking out later that year, Alex Newman wrote for The New American at that time: «The co-chair of Obama's advisory council that issued the report, John Holdren, actually co-authored a book titled Ecoscience calling for forced abortions, mass sterilization, and a «planetary regime» with the power to enforce the sick notions.
The Associated Press is reporting: Now available online are articles headlined «Texas appeals court rejects treaty violation argument» and «Judges express skepticism about abortion law infringing on speech.»
Rep. Waxman's report found that an overwhelming majority (87 percent) of CPCs reached in the investigation provided misleading, medically inaccurate information about abortion.
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