Sentences with phrase «report less conflict»

Psychologist Robert Bauserman's study showed that couples who have joint custody reported less conflict than those where one parent had sole custody, possibly because both parents could participate in their children's lives equally.
According to a study published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, married couples who went to bed at roughly the same time reported less conflict, more in - depth conversation, and more time spent engaged in shared activities.
Psychologist Robert Bauserman's study showed that couples who have joint custody reported less conflict than those where one parent had sole custody, possibly because both parents could participate in their children's lives equally.
For childcare, fairness mediated relations between mothers» violated expectations concerning the division of childcare and later conflict such that mothers reported less conflict when they perceived the division of childcare as less unfair to themselves; there was no relationship for fathers.
Adolescents whose mothers and fathers were classified as directive or authoritative reported less conflict with parents, more disclosure to parents, and more parental knowledge than adolescents whose mothers and fathers were classified as authoritarian.

Not exact matches

«There were persistent reports of conflict between women and their admins, with admins expecting women to be more nurturing and less demanding than men, and also of women having a harder time getting admins to do their work,» Williams says.
After participating in the Decision Counseling Program ©, patients had a higher level of knowledge about their treatment options, reported feeling less conflicted about the treatment decision, and had more favorable perceptions of active surveillance than they did at the outset of the study.
The more employees perceive themselves as able to manage their negative emotions in stressful and conflict situations (negative emotional self - efficacy), the less they report physical symptoms and the less they experience negative emotions in relation to their job;
However, the team says Asian - American students reported lower self - esteem, more conflict with their parents, and less time spent with friends compared with their white peers.
Evaluations of the impact of the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP) in four multiracial, multiethnic school districts in New York City showed that 84 percent of teachers who responded to a survey reported positive changes in classroom climate, 71 percent reported moderate or significant decreases in physical violence in the classroom, and 66 percent observed less name - calling and few verbal insults.
Said a report by Global Insight: «Recurrent conflicts (with Piech) underpinned by the growing influence played by Porsche, which became VW's single largest shareholder less than a year ago, may have accelerated Pischetsrieder's decision.
For instance: if you support gun control policies, you will likely pay more attention to studies about gun violence (because they reinforce what you already believe) and less attention to reports of gun control policies precipitating higher gun violence (because it conflicts.)
I prefer them because they are relatively easy to understand, focus on what annuities were originally designed to focus on (providing lifetime income) and are generally less prone to the sorts of sales abuses and conflicts of interest described in a report just released by the office of Senator Elizabeth Warren.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reported, «In the high - stakes conflict over U.S. climate - change policy, groups that deny or cast doubt on global warming brought in $ 7.2 million from 2003 to 2010... «Powerful funders are supporting the campaign to deny scientific findings about global warming,» reported Robert J. Brulle...» In the eighth paragraph, the Inquirer noted the response by James Taylor of the Heartland Institute, who observed that many of the groups «support other causes as well» and, in some cases, spend «less than 10 percent of their funding... on climate - related efforts.»
So, you've got two conflicting points here: one is that two - way bike lanes are correlated with stronger bicycling growth than any other type of protected bike lane in this NITC report (more research needs to be done to confirm causation, not simply correlation), and second is that on - street two - way bike lanes are considerably less safe than on - street one - way bike lanes according to numerous bicycle planning experts and authorities.
In a speech delivered at a conference in Strasbourg, France, Justice Binnie directly confronted the content of the CBA task force report, emphasizing the need to «enhance the public trust» in the legal profession and the important role of more, not less, strict conflicts rules.
Via «100 Simple Secrets of Great Relationships»: «While people may employ many different conflict resolution strategies in a relationship, when both partners use the same strategy they experience 12 % less conflict and are 31 % more likely to report their relationship is satisfying.
In a study of couples who experienced a major conflict, those who felt less secure in their relationships perceived more conflict with their dating partners and reported a tendency for conflicts to escalate in severity.
Although joint custody parents reported less past and current conflict compared with sole custody parents, conflict was not a predictor of the joint custody advantage in child adjustment (Bauserman, 2002)» 8
Studies show that these couples experience less conflict than couples with a sole custody agreement, who reported the highest levels of conflict.
According to a national survey of middle and high school students, less than one third indicated that their school provided a caring, encouraging environment, and less than half reported that they had competencies such as empathy, conflict resolution and decision - making skills (Benson, 2006; cited in Durlak et al., 2011).
The article's authors found that people with anxious attachment styles reported higher levels of cell phone conflict than those with less anxious attachment styles and that phubbing indirectly impacted depression through relationship satisfaction and, ultimately, life satisfaction.
Incongruent couples report lower satisfaction, more conflict, and less positive communication than other couples.
Although this study only examined positive (capitalization) interactions, more avoidantly - attached individuals show similar patterns during a discussion of relationship conflict: compared to the behavior ratings of third - party observers, individuals higher in attachment avoidance report less responsiveness in terms of both their own and their partner's behavior.5
When both partners in a relationship thought the other had a good sense of humor, 67 percent less conflict was reported than in couples where neither thought the other had a good sense of humor.
Not only did husbands» sensitive support make their wives happy, but it also predicted husbands» own reports of more love and less conflict in the relationship.
Spouses who weren't getting as much sex as they desired were less satisfied and thought about ending their marriages more often, had less positive communication with their partners, and reported more conflict.
For example, on again - off again relationships tend to have greater conflict, less commitment, lower satisfaction, and fewer positive behaviors (e.g., validating each other's feelings) than noncyclical relationships.1 Partners involved in on again - off again relationships also report doing things that negatively impact the relationship, such as being less cooperative, polite, and patient with each other.
Over 50 % participants felt they changed the way they handled conflicts from their mediation experience and 70 % of family members reported less arguing and fighting for months following the mediation
Father's work - family conflict was linked to less warm, and more irritable and inconsistent parenting in Australian families with young children (Cooklin et al., 2016), although high levels of work - family conflict were reported most often by fathers working long hours as the sole breadwinner.
Couples in mediation are much less likely to entangle children in painful conflict and report less stress during divorce.
There was a significant decrease in self - reported measures of aggression; an increase in psychosocial skills; a decrease in disciplinary incidents; less involvement in conflict mediation; and fewer suspensions for violent behavior compared with the control group.
Fact:» [1] Fathers who reported strong authoritarian views were involved relatively less in weekday caregiving, playing, teaching, and nighttime soothing and in weekend teaching during early infancy... Attitudes consistent with authoritarian parenting, in which demands for obedience and behavioral control of children are prominent, appear to have lasting, negative effects on fathering even early in life, long before parent - child conflicts and matters of discipline become common...» [2] Consistent with prior work linking maternal attitudes and father involvement, fathers engaged in relativelyless caregiving, playing, and teaching on weekends during early infancy when their partners held highly protective attitudes... Although an initial lack of experience or support might be expected to diminish father involvement over time, relations between maternal protective attitudes and fathers» relative involvement did not hold longitudinally... the lack of longitudinal relations may suggest that father involvement is primarily self - determined and that mothers» attitudes are in part a consequence of how involved fathers actually are in childrearing.»
Researchers noted that couples who shared leisure activities during their first year of parenthood reported more love and less conflict than those who did not.
Further, in a study evaluating a parent — adolescent teamwork approach to diabetes management, adolescents in the intervention group reported significantly less parent — child conflict related to diabetes management [measured by the Diabetes Family Behavior Checklist (DFBC)-RSB- and were in better metabolic control (Anderson, Ho, Brackett, & Laffel, 1999).
In contrast, discrepancies in which adolescents reported that they were less in charge of decisions than was reported by mothers did not relate to more diabetes - related conflict.
Results: Patients and spouses reported that their families differ from the norm; they are more expressive and social, better organized, less controlling and have less conflict.
Youth who were in the intervention condition reported higher levels of parental bonding at 18 months than the standard care condition, and youth whose MLH participated in more intervention sessions reported less family conflict at 18 months.
Several studies of inpatients have noted that depressed individuals are significantly less likely to be violent than individuals with other types of disorders.8 - 10, 23 Moreover, affective disorders were not found to be related to an increased risk for homicide in a Finnish cohort study.15 By contrast, other studies have found a relationship between affective disorders and homicide, 24 self - reported violent behavior, 2 and conduct disorder in childhood and adolescence.25 One possible explanation for these conflicting results could be the potential moderating role of alcohol abuse in this relationship.
Adolescents perceived less conflict and reported feeling more bonded than their peers facing similar challenges in the control condition.
The main results show that (a) mothers promote family integrity in stepfamilies either with the partner, or with the father, but not with both; (b) the older the child, the less the mothers reported integrity with the father in both families, and the more they reported disparagement against the partner and conflict with the partner in stepfamilies; and (c) maternal marital satisfaction is linked with all dimensions of coparenting with the father in first - marriage families, but only with disparagement against the partner and conflict with the partner in stepfamilies.
Mothers in high conflict marriages are reported to be less warm, more rejecting, and use harsher discipline, and fathers withdraw more and engage in more intrusive interactions with their children compared with parents in low - conflict marriages (Heatherington and Stanley - Hagan, 1999; Krishnakumar and Buehler, 2000).
Specifically, this study's hypotheses were (a) children's report of better health - related QOL prior to pump transition would be associated with less family conflict, more family cohesion, better psychosocial functioning, and better metabolic control; (b) children's health - related QOL would improve over the transition to the pump; and (c) the amount of change in children's health - related QOL would be predicted by less family conflict, more family cohesion, better psychosocial functioning, and poorer metabolic control.
Overall, children with deviant eating behavior reported higher perceived parental control [2.82 (0.79) vs. 2.52 (0.74)-RSB- than children with normal eating behavior, t = − 3.81, df = 366, p <.001, d =.39, slightly less perceived confidence [3.18 (0.51) vs. 3.31 (0.43)-RSB-, t = 2.52, df = 366, p =.012, d =.27, and higher conflict / rejection [1.99 (0.61) vs. 1.60 (0.49)-RSB-, t = − 6.80, df = 366, p <.001, d =.68, while no group differences were apparent for the care and lack of limitations subscales.
For husbands» outcomes, husbands» own sensitive support provision was most critically associated with their reporting greater love and less conflict.
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