Sentences with phrase «reported spanking»

Although the exact measures differed, the absolute difference in the proportions of parents who reported ever slapping in the face or spanking with an object (overall: 4 %; randomization: 2 %; quasi-experimental: 6 %) was consistent with the 7 % difference in the proportions of parents who reported spanking their child in the past week in the Early Head Start evaluation.31 The HS effect is noticeable, given the overall lower reports of corporal punishment (14 % in the HS control group, compared with 54 % in the Early Head Start control group).
Fifteen percent of fathers reported spanking their 1 - year - old children in the previous month.
Nearly half said they had not spanked their three - year - old in the past month, while 27.9 percent said reported one or two spankings and 26.5 reported spanking more than twice.
Although most experts advise against corporal punishment, many parents still report spanking is an effective discipline strategy.
We found that depressed fathers were much more likely to report spanking their 1 - year - old children in the previous month compared with nondepressed fathers.
In multivariate analyses, depressed fathers were less likely to report reading to their children ≥ 3 days in a typical week (adjusted odds ratio: 0.38 [95 % confidence interval: 0.15 — 0.98]-RRB- and much more likely to report spanking (adjusted odds ratio: 3.92 [95 % confidence interval: 1.23 — 12.5]-RRB-.

Not exact matches

Fewer rescuers than non-rescuers reported being slapped, spanked, kicked, and beaten or having their hair pulled by parents; 3) Many more non-rescuers than rescuers perceived punishment as gratuitous — a cathartic release of aggressiveness by parents; and 4) Rescuers most frequently used the word explained to describe parental approaches to correction and discipline.
Gershoff reports that Straus and Stewart (1999) found that 94 % of American parents spank their children by the ages of 3 or 4.
In a report published in January of 2017, the American College of Pediatricians stated that research that claims spanking is harmful is misled.
The Canadian authors of the report, which is based on data collected from nearly 35,000 adult Americans, said their findings underscore that spanking and other forms of harsh physical punishment are a matter not just of private behavior but of public health.
The CMAJ released report argues that spanking should be made illegal.
Two years later, the mothers who had spanked their children more frequently reported higher levels of aggression such as arguing, screaming, fighting, destroying things, cruelty or bullying in their five - year - olds.
However, it was reported that as may as 90 % of parents spank their children.
Riley says that over the past few decades people self report that they are spanking less.
About 70 % of parents report that they have spanked their children and yet research shows consistently that corporal punishment is never in the best interest of the child.
In 1 study34 of 320 middle - class parents who used spanking for discipline, 85 % reported feeling «moderate to high anger, remorse, or agitation» while spanking their children.
Notably, in a national sample of 499 fathers of children under 3 years of age, Lyons - Ruth et al32 did not find an association between paternal depressive symptoms and spanking but did report an association between a father's depressive symptoms and his report of «hitting, slapping, or shaking» his child.
Negative parenting behavior included fathers» reports of spanking their 1 - year - old children in the previous month.
Although associations between spanking and maternal depression have been previously reported, 31 this is the first study, to our knowledge, to report an association between spanking and paternal depression.
[George W. Holden, Paul A. Williamson and Grant W. O. Holland, Eavesdropping on the family: A pilot investigation of corporal punishment in the home] Previous studies using parental self - reports have estimated that parents spank about 18 times per year.
Not that this is brand spanking new news, but I didn't see many sites or publications report the ability to own the album and honestly, I didn't know either.
Gershoff reports that Straus and Stewart (1999) found that 94 % of American parents spank their children by the ages of 3 or 4.
Even in studies where a researcher does try hard to ask needed questions to separate normal spanking from abuse, parents may not be honest in their reports.
It is alleged that the boy told his school that his father spanked him, prompting them to report the incident to the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.
Intervention families were 54 % less likely to report the use of extreme disciplinary measures (ie, slapping the child's face or spanking with an object) than UC families (adjusted RR, 0.46 [95 % CI, 0.29 - 0.73]-RRB-.
Regression modeling for the 4 most common disciplinary practices showed (P <.05) that black race, lack of Aid to Families With Dependent Children receipt, more - educated mothers, and female sex of child were associated with higher use of teaching or verbal assertion; a biological father in the home was associated with less use of limit setting; and black race and report for child maltreatment were associated with more use of mild spanking.
Exceptions to this generalization were that lower class parents were more likely to endorse spanking as a response to an unsafe behavior on the part of the child, and middle / upper class parents reported higher levels of reward for positive behavior (Horn et al, 2004).
One small study of EHS - HB found that low - income families reported lower frequencies of spanking at age three, 21 however, these results contradicted findings in other studies.
Healthy Steps families reported reduced odds of using severe discipline (slap in face / spank with object, 10.1 % vs 14.1 %; odds ratio: 0.68 [95 % confidence interval: 0.54 — 0.86]-RRB- and increased odds of often / almost always negotiating with their child (59.8 % vs 56.3 %; odds ratio: 1.20 [95 % confidence interval: 1.03 — 1.39]-RRB-.
In an article in a medical journal, Straus, Sugarman, and Giles - Sims (1997) reported that children whose mothers administered frequent spankings tended to become more aggressive over a 2 - year period.
Larzelere's team tested this prediction by re-analyzing data from an older study that reported correlations between spanking and antisocial behavior.
There may be a relationship between the spanking of children, the type of neighborhood the children live in and the likelihood of a report of abuse or neglect to Child... Read more →
Researchers examined families that spanked against those that did not, and found that over the next three years, the children who were spanked were reported to have more behavioral issues than those who were not.
Both mothers and fathers in the IVM group and GDVM group reported significantly less - frequent problem behaviors and less spanking than the parents in the control group reported.
This included both mothers» and fathers» reports of total problem behaviors, mothers» reports of occurrence and frequency of problem behaviors, mothers» reports of negative behaviors, and both mothers» and fathers» use of spanking.
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