Sentences with word «repossessed»

"Repossessed" means taking something away from someone who was not able to pay for it, usually because they owe money or did not fulfill their financial obligations. Full definition
The number of homes repossessed by banks spiked 66 percent in the third quarter compared to the year before.
Bank of America Corp. is taking an unusual step in chipping away at its high inventory of repossessed homes by demolishing some of the most run - down homes in its inventory.
• Credit card bills (i.e. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.) • Department store charge cards • Unsecured credit lines • Hospital bills • Deficiency judgments for repossessed vehicles or foreclosed property • Home utility expenses • Medical bills
Complete training in selling repossessed properties by enrolling in online or in - class courses offered by community colleges or technical schools, attend real estate seminars or take classes offered by real estate agencies.
It can also keep you from having your car repossessed in front of your family, which can be an emotional detriment.
The lawsuit against BofA began in September 2012, after the National Fair Housing Alliance released a study suggesting that lenders were violating the Fair Housing Act in their handling of repossessed properties.
This means you could have your home repossessed if you do not keep up with the payments.
What's the fate of a puppy who gets repossessed by a lender?
Agents for repossessed properties sell these homes at a lower price to buyers looking to find a great deal.
Or do the bank repossessed homes come with too much extra baggage?
Some of those customers had their cars repossessed because they could not afford both the auto loan and insurance payments.
This may be better than the lender repossessing and selling the house, as repossessed houses can often sell for less than their market value.
Fine, if nobody else is affected; it's hard to muster sympathy for the bankrupt billionaires who have had the coral repossessed from their giant aquariums.
Several years ago, a single mom at our church told us her car was going to be repossessed at midnight.
No, RBFCU does not offer special loan rates on repossessed vehicles.
But two years later, the mobile home was repossessed after the grandson was divorced.
You must give careful consideration to whether you are willing to have your assets repossessed if you are unable to keep up with repayments, particularly if their repossession will have a detrimental impact on your family or loved ones.
In fact, most of the complaints include mistakes in the customer's transactions in car mortgages, credit card loans, and approved bank sales for foreclosures, paid - off automobile loans that were mistakenly recorded as repossessed and paid - off credit cards that were reported as delinquent.
These entities end up with repossessed homes in their inventory and advertise them for sale on their websites with special financing available.
Derek and Carrie are a married couple who have gone through their fair share of financial turmoil; having their house repossessed while they were planning their wedding sounds like most people's worst nightmares.
The man wielding the eviction notice is one Rick Carver (Michael Shannon), a real - estate broker who is making a killing refurbishing repossessed residences (at uncle Sams expense!)
The article cites things such as not paying its foreign workforce in the Philippines and facing a multi-million-dollar lawsuit with Xerox, who repossessed Tate's business machines some time ago.
If your creditor goes to court to get your hire - purchase goods repossessed this is called an «action for delivery» and they will ask for a «decree of delivery».
Once your car becomes repossessed, the lender usually sells it in order to make money off the vehicle.
Wells Fargo is reportedly facing a federal investigation over whether it improperly repossessed cars owned by military members.
Deficiency Judgment: A money judgment for the amount not covered by the value of repossessed collateral.
According to Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner, it was found that cars involved in title loans which were actually repossessed is 3.73 % in 2016.
If you stop making payments on a car loan, the car likely will be repossessed sooner or later.
If you are unable to pay your auto loan, your car is usually repossessed.
Besides defaulting on a loan, in some states, your car may be repossessed when your insurance lapses.
In addition, I have four other accounts that have been considered «Revolving Accounts: Accounts with an open - end term», balances ranging from $ 0.00 to $ 10,958, (which include closed credit cards that have already been paid off, however closed, charge off's and repossessed auto loans.)
And anyway, the Canadian government repossessed all the land back in 1965 for nonpayment of $ 37.20 in property taxes.
«· Foreclosure: A foreclosure is reported on a credit report if a bank has repossessed real property (real estate) due to reporting lack of payments.
I had a vehicle that was voluntarily repossessed in January.
It presents the work on the gallery's two floors, the ground floor showing work painted in East Harlem from the 1940s to the early 60s, while the second floor presents paintings from 1964 to 1976, after Neel moved to a new apartment in the Upper West Side (her landlord repossessed the third of her East Harlem apartments after some 20 years» residence).
«How to Become an Agent for Repossessed Properties» accessed April 15, 2018.
Designed with these objectives in mind, government owned repossessed homes can be purchased with little to no money down.
Jonathan Gray of Blackstone Group LP went on the biggest homebuying spree in history after the U.S. foreclosure crisis, purchasing repossessed properties from the courthouse steps and through online auctions.
Since last July, Uber and its wholly owned subsidiary, Xchange Leasing, have partnered with auto dealerships, advertised to drivers, and even repossessed cars from drivers who lag in their payments.
Many of those people and institutions knew they were giving away their ownership but they didn't have a choice if they wanted to avoid having the furniture repossessed.)
Jeremiah, for example, was indignant because recently liberated slaves were illegally repossessed, but he says not a word to the effect that their ever having lost their freedom was a mark of the iniquity of his contemporaries (Jer.
Land Rover has reportedly repossessed a luxury car from Australian rugby superstar Israel Folau in the wake of Folau's anti-gay remarks.
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This dealership was able to work with me even though I have horrible credit and my previous car was repossessed just weeks prior.
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