Sentences with phrase «representative micrographs»

(a) Shows representative micrographs of those H&E - stained lamina VII neurons that were selected for the count based on size specificity (diameter ranging from 10 to 20 μm).

Not exact matches

a-b) Representative high - magnification confocal micrographs depicting co-localization between pab27576 (red) and MOAB - 2 (green) in CA1 neurons of the hippocampus a) and neurons of lamina V of the parietal cortex b) at post-plaque stages (13 months).
Representative high - magnification confocal micrographs depicting lack of complete co-localization between pab27576 (red) and McSA1 (green) immunoreactive sites at 3 months and 13 months in CA1 neurons of the hippocampus, and neurons of lamina V and III of the parietal cortex.
b - d) Representative high - magnification confocal micrographs depicting co-localization between pab27576 (red) and b) McSA1 (green) binding sites, c) MOAB - 2 (green) and d) Nu1 (green) in lamina V neurons of the parietal cortex, at the pre-plaque stage (3 month - old transgenic rats).
Representative high - magnification confocal micrographs depicting lack of complete co-localization between pab27576 (APP / CTF - specific sites, red) and Nu1 (Aβ oligomer - specific sites, green).
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