Sentences with phrase «reproductive ability»

I would trade reproductive abilities with these women in a heartbeat.
The reduced lifespan and reproductive abilities of flies was most pronounced in the ABC groups, where all three males competed fiercely for female attention.
Compared with outbred peers, offspring of first cousins have 1.4 fewer opposite - sex sexual partners, have sex for the first time 11 months later, have 0.11 fewer children and are 1.6 times as likely to be childless — all indicators of reduced reproductive ability.
Unneutered male and female cats that are infected may also have impaired reproductive ability later on in life.
The latter have exhaustive data on hardiness, weight, and reproductive ability because cattle, pigs, chickens, etc. are an economic crop.
Do purebred dogs lack hybrid vigor and reproductive ability compared to mixed breeds?
First, let's accept the premise that stray dogs and those in primitive societies around the world reproduce with alarming regularity and no veterinary intervention to encourage reproductive ability.
But, fat is also required for the absorption of vitamins and a valuable source of fatty acids, nutrients that play a positive role in things like healthy skin and coat, the healing of wounds and even reproductive ability.
Infected cows suffer fever, pain, inflammation, lack of appetite, depression and reduced reproductive abilities.
Thus, FSH plays a vital role in the hormonal status and reproductive ability of men.
At exposures typical of cosmetic users, several of these chemicals have been linked to cancer, impaired reproductive ability and compromised neurodevelopment in children.
On a positive note, most human and animal studies that have examined males or females fed soy formula as infants, and have not found abnormalities in infant growth, head circumference, height, weight, occurrence of puberty, menstruation, or reproductive ability.
However, if, as we showed, the scent is sufficient to continue population decline, then even if the predators move on to other prey, and their scent disappears, this is unimportant for the survival of the population that is at risk whose numbers and reproductive ability have been critically affected by the passing smell of death.»
«Sometimes you find that trees, as they age, much like humans, lose their reproductive ability,» said Wickert.
A new study shows that parental experience can affect the reproductive abilities of offspring without any change to the DNA.
There, scientists tested them for temperature requirements, reproductive ability and their plant impact.
In the best of worlds, exploited fish stocks are monitored so that harvest quotas protect the reproductive ability of the population.
He says that some «serial egg donors» have donated some 20 - odd times, risking their own health and reproductive abilities.
Hunt and colleagues did run into one problem — there are secondary impacts, such as fluid retention, which make it difficult to take the stem cell research to the next level and look at correlations in sperm cell counts and measures of reproductive ability.
More heat - resistant zooxanthellae may come with ecological costs, such as reduced growth and reduced reproductive ability, and hence lower recovery following damage.
These are all critical for growth, metabolism, strength, endurance, mental drive, menstrual function and reproductive ability.
The humic acid is definitely an improvement in animals, in cattle, it may take seven or eight months before you get full restoration of reproductive ability both in the bulls as well as in the cows.
Additionally, most pets are surgically sterilized so there's no concern about medication interfering with the reproductive ability.
Eliminating their reproductive abilities helps control the pet overpopulation problem but also helps your pet avoid many potential health problems down the line.
Removing an animal's reproductive abilities reduces or eliminates hormone - related behavioral issues, such as aggression and mounting people or other animals.
By removing your pet's reproductive ability, you won't have to deal with hormone - related behavioral issues such as aggression, territory marking, or the embarrassment of a pet that mounts other animals or people.
The goals of the program were to reduce euthanasia of healthy cats, even if feral, reduce the costs to handle feral cats by animal services by reducing intake, and to reduce the reproductive ability of feral cats in the community.
Their litters can be quite large — up to 6 kittens — and if these kittens are able to reproduce, one cat's reproductive ability can be responsible for up to 10,000 more cats in their lifetime.
UV clarifiers eliminate suspended microscopic algae that causes green water and destroy its reproductive ability.
The massive quantity of sharks harvested and lack of selection deplete shark populations faster than their reproductive abilities can replenish populations.
Thus, males assess indicators of a partner's reproductive ability.
These perspectives are especially crucial to recognize given legislators» constant attempts to curb women's reproductive abilities.
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